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politics has always been pretty perverse imo . i think trump is a pantload but he has that " audacious enough to say what everyone else is forbidden to say " thing going for him . id vote for him just to watch the ensuing chaos .
i dont like being told how to think .
the whole glbt thing comes to mind . im like ; go choke on one , i dont care , in fact i wont have to listen to your self serving drivel for a while ..
peace and quiet . thats what i want .

Not to go all political here (because that's a recipe for trouble), but I'm with you on that, Cap. I have been trying to recall a presidental race in our nation's history where the size of a man's hands (and what it corresponds to down below) has come into play as an actual topic of discussion at a debate.

I have yet to find another occurrence of that one.

ive been checking out the jar vacuum sealers veronica . a book ive been reading says you can store dried goods in 5 gallon buckets w lids . you drop in a chemical " break " type hand warmer . when the hand warmer burns up the 02 it extinguishes itself .
i dont go nuts on the prepping but im not in a fragile position either .
waltreason is selling the 2.5 glass barrel jars for about 12 bucks . lovely for staples things . so far i have rice , flour , brown sugar and beans in these . they sure doll up a kitchen .
i have enough canola oil stashed to deep fry a buffalo . now i need a buffalo ..
im not at all paranoid about the state of america but as an old guy -- when presidential candidates are posturing over penis size , it doesnt invoke any real confidence in our leaders either . lol

Capt I don't suppose you own a "Food Saver" vacuum packer and would not buy one because the bags are so expensive but should you "find" one with the jar sealing attachments find a space for it. You can use your empty mason jars just with the lid and use the air extracter to create a vacuum in the jar and store dry goods. I wish they made a gallon jar but 1/2 gallon is the largest.

im still on the prepper kick . try n sav has extra tall ( 24 oz ) cans of maxwell house coffee for 5 . 99 . thats a good price . i may pick up several of them before the week is over . im not really expecting zombie marauders but having some stuff stored could serve me well if i dont work much this winter .
im hoping to can a hundred quarts of tomatoes this year and make homemade catsup out of all that remain .
canned tomatoes and catsup is about the quickest path i know to a great tomato base ( chili , spaghetti , bbq , etc . )
100 qts isnt unrealistic at all from past experience .
the bees are looking good out at the farm . theyre building comb , raising brood and stashing nectar and pollen . theyre already capping off filled honey cells . im beekeep # 2 . docs son is the studied mastermind behind the project . gotta admit -- its pretty interesting ..

Cooked dinner for the first time in ten months. It was a struggle but hubby thought he had died and gone to heaven. It was chicken pieces fried in batter with baby potatoes flavored with fresh mint and corn. To h3ll with the tube feeding I am on the way back to real food and actually manages to eat about half but it is a start and more than that my interest in food is returning.

I've got some pork steaks on the GF grill (since I don't have an outdoor grill right now - I much prefer them grilled outside!) and I'll heat up some veggies or have a salad. Need to go up and see Mom tonight and still have a full load of work to get done.

Going out for food because I want to.

Have to chuckle at the troll's choice of name, though. Gurumaraji - "guru" or "specialist" and "maraji" - supreme legal authority.

Just a little too on the nose.

I agree, Ali. Hey Gurumaraji, I'll take 3 financially helpful siblings and a side order of 10 extra hours in my day, please.

I admit that seeing that ^^ comment in my News Feed made me laugh. At least the spammers are humorous.

Hey, Gurumaraji, I need one Winning Lottery Ticket and one Prince Charming. Can you get those for me??

Pamzi, Used a touch of italian dressing in the sauce instead of wine. It was okay.

Cwillie, Reporting back on the spaghetti sauce: This simmering sauce has taken 2 hours, required 2 tablespoons of sugar, diced tomatoes from a can blended into a sauce; can of tomato paste, can of tomato sauce, purple onions, zuchinni, ylo squash, kale, green bell peppers, carrots (some blended into the sauce), no choice but to simmer forever. It was worth the time, the person I am living with loved the all vegetable portion with grated parmesan on top. Now, I am getting to have mine, with spaghetti, topped with sauce.
There will be leftovers for later days.
Thanks for the ideas!

No whine here, Cwillie. LOL

I want a report back on the spaghetti sauce, sugar or wine? Both? Maybe if you drink enough of the wine it doesn't matter?

Thank you-I will try that.

I add a splash of wine...

Try putting in brown sugar, not too much, just a tablespoon or so.

Cheap can of tomato sauce, tomato paste; needs something to quickly turn it into spaghetti sauce without simmering for hours. It is way too acidic, tomatoey, and in a hurry, sometimes don't have prepared sauce available. Just don't like the acid flavor. What can I add to it? Got any ideas?

I am laughing because this question is such a constant part of my life as a caregiver! Planning meals, meals, meals. Tonight I think I'll fry some chicken strips - delicious fresh & hot and the next day even better for a snack.

My own see what it is recipe for rice, zucchini, ylo squash, green onions-will be like a casserole, rice paella? With cheese on top.

I made avocado guac on Trader Joe's non-gmo organic tacos. It was yummy! Tonight I made a raw salad of red cabbage, a carrot, a small apple, half of avocado, feta cheese, apple cider vinegar, and olive oil. It was awesome! Crunchy, creamy, sweet-sour.

Hey about the salt: Himalayan salt, or sea salt is fine for you. We need salt. Again, it's how big food companies process the salt that made salt unfit for us. And watch that brown bread is not brown due to food coloring! I know. It's endless.

o, should have had some avocado for the yummy tacos late last night.

I love guac.Its so good for you too. :)

Gershun, you got me thinking about how much I love guacamole spread on an English muffin in the morning. Or pumpernickel or rye bread--the only two breads that I can tolerate now. I used to crave bread like crazy but lately I find that most breads lack taste. I heard they modified the wheat. It's not the same wheat that our grandparents ate and I don't doubt it.
I also like to use guacamole instead of salad dressing in a nice Romaine salad with black olives and heirloom tomatoes.


I wish I could like avocado. I've tried. The only thing I can tolerate it in is guac. It's a textural thing.

Kind of like chia seeds. They're supposed to be a superfood, etc - but they create a gel around themselves when added to liquid, so they are used for thickening foods, etc. That gel is enough to gag me. It's slippery and slimy and I'm sorry, food just isn't supposed to be like that. Ew.

Pam, I love that! A big unhealthy breakfast. LOL Sounds like our annual trips to the local apple orchard and petting zoo...fresh cider and freshly-made donuts all around! (Boyyyy do I pay for that all the way home....)

Gershun, I love this too, but I add a bit of garlic powder and a tomato slice..Sort of like guac on toast!

One of my new favorite things to have for breakfast is avocado toast. I just toast a piece of pumpernickel bread which is supposed to be one of the healthier breads, spread avocado on top with a bit of salt and pepper. Tasty and very good for you.If salt is a problem you can get half salt which has half as much sodium.

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