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We took Mom and Aunt to the Amish Market for breakfast today.. all enjoyed a very unhealthy breakfast.. followed by buying doughnuts for breakfast tomorrow before we take Aunt home.. and Chicken slippery pot pie for dinner! Bring on the crestor.. But they are having a blast so it's worth every calorie and fat gram today! Enjoy!!

Oh and Judda - did you know there's a reduced sugar variety of ketchup - Heinz makes it. No corn syrup or fructose.

judda - me and bread are *not* friendly. I love the stuff, but it does very, very bad things to my digestive system. Sometimes I'll eat some, knowing full well that I'm going to pay for it later. And I always DO pay for it. Big time. The only thing that works for me in terms of keeping my digestive system happy and slow, steady weight loss is low carb - no starches, no breads, no grains, and as little sugar as possible. Lots of good meats and veggies, lots of water, and good fats. There's a huge misconception about LC being "just meat". Totally untrue. Mom's cholesterol went down 90 points in a year's time from a very unhealthy level to a completely healthy level, and she was able to get off her cholesterol meds - because I changed her diet. She still enjoyed her meals, I got to experiment in the kitchen (which I love to do) and she lost weight and became somewhat healthier. Win-Win.

(Unfortunately, it was too little, too late - a lifetime of eating the other way had already done major damage to her body....wish I could have done it sooner.)

Sharadale - I saw a post on Facebook the other day...Amy Pohler eating salad with a very unpleasant look on her face - the caption: "When you're trying to eat healthy, but salad tastes like dirt and sadness..."


My favorite fast dinner: steamed vegetables with a dip of Sweet Chili Sauce (the kind Thai restaurants use for dipping spring rolls into), add apple cider vinegar, dash of tamari. Also can make a creamy peanut or other nut butter sauces thinned with coconut milk. Only have a cup in the smallest of bowls to dip veggies in.
Very fun, fast, and satisfying. If you want more: add steamed dumplings, or a few frozen shrimp. Snow peas, snap peas, make a nice last minute addition to.

I discovered that the less bread I eat the better I feel. Instead of toast or even homefries which drive up the blood sugar, I have enjoyed stir frying (in coconut oil or olive oil) cut up broccoli, onions, fresh garlic. Make a bunch of it and you can simply heat it up in the toaster oven or in the frying pan with an egg or two.

I also make spinach, kale, collard greens, cut finely and sauted with onions and garlic and then make an omelet or simply scramble with an egg and a little water. With a dash of red pepper, chili paste, and sea salt (or Himalayan salt), you won't miss the bread or heavy potatoes. If you buy catsup, buy Trader Joe's because at least it is not loaded with Fructose like the Heinz brand is. To your health!

!! Recall !! Frozen vegetables recall-google it.
Listeria is more dangerous in elderly, children, and immune compromized individuals.
April frozen veges, like peas, could still be in your freezer.

A healthy diet can get really boring. There are just so many salads you can eat and what to snack on that is healthy and tastes good. I get tired of bananas oranges and berries which are the only fruits I like. I eat a lot of celery with ground peanut butter. I also eat yogurt but when everyone else in the house can eat cookies, candy, ice cream etc, it is a little disheartening. Tonight's dinner pork chops, broccoli and for my hubby baked potato and Mom sweet potato.

Something is not right. Too many eggs, maybe.
Change up diet-what to eat now?
Salad for dinner, again.

Not sure what I'm doing for dinner tonight. Started making up small batches of LC marinara sauce for the freezer, but ran out of freezer bags, so that's on hold until I get to the store later today. Left some of it in the fridge, and I have some cooked/crumbled ground beef in there, so spaghetti with miracle noodles is not out of the question.

Sunday brunch will be italian sausage, vermicelli, grated parmesan/romano, a romaine lettuce salad.
Why did she post that twice? So that I will be motivated to cook it in time to make my plans come true!

im gonna fry chicken tonight .
went out to the farm this afternoon and found 15 or so big yellow morels . im happy with that . i usually walk 5 miles and find ONE . natures idea of humor i guess .
ill chip them up , saute them , and add em to the next batch of brats .
pam , cobbler sounds good . id spring for ice cream for this occasion .

Hubs baked a cobbler today,,he does not normally bake! A Pioneer Woman recipe,, and it smells heavely!

Neighbor very kindly took me out to dinner tonight and I splurged a bit. I'm SO stuffed. Had a fish & chips dinner. Tasted great, but I'm gonna pay for this tomorrow....

im gonna have one more brat then go to bed . liver doc just went thru all my blood numbers with me and said both my cholesterol readings are really good . i dont know exactly what that means except whatever im eating isnt causing me any harm .
had a little amusement out of a black nurse . we were kitchen talking and she asked me if ive ever eaten at the cracker barrel .
was she implying that a cracker assed cracker like myself probably exclusively eats at the cracker barrel with all them other crackers ?
probably not but you know my brain had to turn it into comedy fodder ..

Tomato soup.
We have been sleeping too much after the pancakes from Denny's.

Tacy, R. U trying out for Welterweight championships packing that many calories? So glad that I don't count calories, but isn't that really high?

cold chicken , cold beer and a cold piece of lemon pie tonight . i dont know how im getting these pies so good . im guessing every one ive ever had before was boxed pudding filling .
the sav a lot didnt have anything i needed last week so the only thing i bought was a 99 cent bag of hot dog buns . as i pulled into the parking lot there was a folded one dollar bill lying on the ground . man thats thrift .. no grocery expense for the week and in fact up one penny ..

I just could not count calories daily-because I cannot count that high on my fingers and toes. lol.

yea ,
i ate 800 calories of sweet bakers chocolate before going to bed .
i made myself a lemon pie this afternoon cause we took off work a little early . my legs are screaming from 5 9 - 11 hr days in a row so i made the pie before the muscle burn set in this evening .
gonna fry chicken later . that doesnt take much standing up .

It might be fun...........but........Oh my lord, it could be very depressing too. It would keep us all honest though. Or not :)

i think it would be fun to record our daily calories on here . being honest is the hard part .
i had 443 calories in a 40 oz beer ,600 calories in two brats / buns ,and 1200 calories in the quart of fried potatoes .
so thats 2234 . i can stand 1750 at rest without expecting weight gain .
i wasnt at rest today . i ran a walk behind trencher for 9 hours .
im going to get me a jar of instant decaf coffee to ice up and drink in the evenings . ive been drinking lemonaide for a year and it requires 4 tablespoons of sugar to make it palatable . thats too much sugar . the iced coffee only needs two tbsp's .

hard . work . day .
what worked tonight was a quart of my canned potatoes / pork / green beans , drained and flash fried .
very good , considering the potaoes were already well done from the pressure canning process .
the homemade brats are a lifesaver at the farm . the farm foreman is counting calories and my 300 calorie brats are a fraction of his usual fast food count ill bet he dont miss losing 8 bucks a day either . one brat will fill your belly . no fries or large ( watered down ) coke .
doc still wants to host honey bees . im game . if i cant out think a bee , well , a few hundred stings will get me going in the proper direction ..
i dont have a use in hell for honey but i sure relish a challenge ..

im going to be doing an ( dis ) assembly line with some venison at some point . a herd of eight deer stumbled up on me in the forest at the farm last week . theyre pretty much overpopulated right now in indiana , especially the hilly areas . 99% of local motorists hate my guts because i drive 40 ish mph on the secondary roads . theyre driving in a deer park and rock stupid about the deadly likelyhood of a collision with these animals . .

Avocados all became ripe, so avocado and lettuce, no dressing, but wishing I had just one lemon.

Luck, good eating!

Indeed,, because I can;t stand to waste stuff! The same friend had an overabundance of apples one year.. I had a freaking assembly line in my kitchen for a week! Applesauce, 3 recipes for cake ( I froze tons) Cobbler.. you name it! Wish me luck!!

Pammzi, Sounds like 100% of your diet will be lemony!

I thought those were small? these are huge.. like naval oranges! I;m gonna have to look this up! Key lime pie sounds yummy!! I am a pretty good baker (pats self on her own back...)

Meyer lemons? Make key lime pie!

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