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My BFF came back from Fl and brought me a bag of lemons that look like oranges! So far today I made lemonade, 4 loaves of lemon pound cake, and tomorrow a lemon cheesecake! Still have about 8 of these big boys to use.. they are full of juice! Anyone know what kind of lemons they are?

cwillie ,
im just difficult .

D%#$ man, you cook, you have a steady job, you clean (sort of), you must have the personality of a rattlesnake though or some woman would have snapped you up long ago! LOL

im gonna make another lemon pie tonight . my pastry isnt so good so i think ill use the same crumb mixture that i make apple crisp with . flour , butter , baking powder , brown sugar and oatmeal . might crush a few pecans in the crumb mixture since i have a bunch of them .i usedta think chocolate pie was my favorite but everybody around here ( me ) loved the lemon custard last week .
ill give you gals another good tip . rural king sells spices for about half what the groceries charge . big bottles for . 79 cents .

H3ll captain I only know the guidelines I don't follow em

PD ,
i genuinely appreciate the info youve provided .
my mother done well for nearly 7 years on my various whole wheat bread combinations and she was an insulin dependent diabetic .
one time i gave a customer ( doc ) some whole wheat , sausage / cheese bread . the next time i talked to him he told me that the bread was a perfectly balanced meal .
my brotchen rolls just went into the oven . i dont give a shat about balance tonight . i want a couple of these b@#t%hes split and skimmed with butter .

I just made a big pot of my yummy split pea soup.
Lots of carrots, celery, fresh rosemary, potato. It is steaming hot
and will taste even better tomorrow.

Depends on your mindset, and going low-carb requires a mindset shift from what we've been told for generations. But I'm low on time and patience tonight, so I'm not going to get into it right now. Have to drop everything and go see mom again, and then come home and work my butt off for the rest of the night.


Yep Gershun they indeed are and important ones too About 50-60% of your diet should come from carbs

Carbohydrates have 4 calories per gram - in your weights thats about 115 per oz.
Carbs give your body immediate use energy but your body can also store carbohydrate in your liver as glycogen BUT there is a limit on glycogen storage and beyond that it is stored as fat - I eat too many carbs - correction I eat too many bad carbs

Healthy carbs: multigrain bread, brown rice, lentils, and beans.

Not healthy carbs: candy, cookies, cake, soda, juice, and sweetened beverages.

You also need protein
Same calories as carbs and about 20% of your diet should be protein

Protein supports growth, body maintenance, and energy. Your stored protein is mostly used by your muscles.

Protein affect blood sugar levels but it takes 3 to 4 hours to do so. Anything that is mostly protein doesn't affect your blood sugar levels much - NOTE CARBS DO

Fats have more than double the calorific value at 9 calories per gram about 225 an ounce . In a healthy diet 30 % (yep that much) of your calories should come from fat. as it gives the body energy

Fat doesn't affect blood sugar any too many but if you add carbs (chocolate cake cookies etc) it can slow the rise in blood sugar. By also slowing digestion it does mean that once sugar levels have risen they will stay higher longer

I eat too much fat too - bad fats!

Good fats olive, canola, avocado, and nut oils.

Bad fats - as a guide those that are solid at room temperature

Processed most fast foods have transfers and they're just as bad for you as the bad fats

Mom and hubs asked what I was hungry for.. as I had a conference today and they were going to cook (hubs does normally anyway..LOL) I wanted meat loaf, and so it began,,,, both got out thier fav recipes.. both are the best.. Heck I just wanted my grandmothers easy recipe! Meat loaf wars began... I ccame home,, hubs recipe won the battle but Mom made it.... and ate it. And I am so stuffed from the food at the conference that I look like a goof for not being hungry... Lunch at work tomorrow! Told Mom we could make hers when Aunt comes next month. BUT I still really want MY recipe!

Aren't carbs one of the 5 food groups..............or am I missing something. :)

lets denounce carbs another night , ok ?
i put in a heck of a day today and came home feeling great . its cause im eating mid day for the first time in many years -- so -- i fired off a batch of whole wheat bread rolls . i dont want anything on these rolls when theyre done but butter . its just the craving i have right now .
if you women ever had the urge to sharpen your own kitchen knives , theres a brit on you tube by the name of scott rhea . he makes knife tuning real simple and you only need a sharpening stone , wet or dry type . hes butchered professionally for 30 years and he knows what hes doing . his technique is different than what most of us have been taught , his works , ours leave a lot to be desired ..
he has a lot of good video's . scott rhea project ..

Tacy, keep up the good work with your mom's eating. I slowly weaned Mom off her meat and potatoes, junk food and pizza onto a fairly sugar-free, low-carb way of eating, and she lost 40 lbs in a year, and her cholesterol went way down - her doctor was shocked. (This was the doctor that told us *not* to do low carb...he said she just needed to watch her fat intake. Old school thinking. The *type* of fat is the key.)
Unfortunately, it was too little, too late - after a lifetime of eating tons of carbs and starch, and about 15 years of living on fast food and pizza, the damage was done. She did lose weight and her cholesterol dropped, but she still ended up in a nursing home, where they feed her what they feed everyone, and her weight is just staying the same now. Wish I could have gotten to her sooner.

Made the pulled pork with the pork ribs. Turned out great, but I'll never use ribs again. Still finding small bits of bone in the meat, regardless of how careful I was. And there's too much connective tissue as well, which has to be picked out. I'll use a boneless roast next time. I did a s/f spice rub and after it cooked low & slow for about 7 hours in a roaster, I shredded the meat, removed the bones and connective tissue and tossed it with some s/f bbq sauce. It's pretty awesome stuff! Already bagged up some for the freezer.

Made up my s/f jello cups for the week, chopped up veggies and also made a big batch of taco soup, which went into the freezer in ziploc bags. I have at least 6-8 meals worth of food in the freezer now. :-)

Too cool Brandy.. have fun!!

Going to a potluck dinner at a museum. I made a lemon dessert.

Tonight, I'm making an easy peasy soup using packaged tortellini, frozen spinach and chicken broth. There's usually enough leftover to head and serve for lunch the next day.

my dinner was pretty much everclear and ice water . my kid came by to get his brats and gave me a little pinch of herb . i aint used to this 21st century / usa stuff . knocked my d*ck in my watch pocket .

Well I had another unimaginative dinner. Half a little bag of m and m's. A small mini container of greek yogurt. A piece of string cheese. Now I'm having a glass of wine.

When Hubby is away my diet turns to s**t.

We were going to have tacos tonight but when I opened he box of taco shells they were all broken! When life hands you lemons, make taco salad!

You've got that right Cap.........I've been doing the anything goes a bit too much as of late :)

Home made spicy enchiladas and a beer.

dont feel lazy gershun . sometimes i eat cold kidney beans right outta the can . ditto with canned peas . if im hungry and tired anything goes .

You all make me feel like a bum with your inventive cooking techniques. I'm so unambitious when it comes to food. Tonight I had a spinach salad..........yes, I know.............yawn!!

i never thought of coconut , love that stuff and its cheap .
ive been making brats all day , bout 50 lbs of em . i made em because pork is 98 cents a lb , my kid likes them , and the mess they make in the kitchen makes it rather silly to batch 10 or so lbs at a time .
these are really good . they have chopped jalapenos in them wheras i used to grind the jalapeno . of course chopped onion and i used potato flakes instead of oatmeal because i have a lot of them .
they freeze well and the busy work season has arrived . ive got lunch covered probably till late june .
my kid has a lot of digestion trouble . the brats dont seem to irritate it . compared to a slimy cheeseburger , ( corn / soya / fructose ) , id take my chances with the hog fat .
indiana just divulged that 38 of the states water systems have exceeded the acceptable lead levels . think ill keep on drinking the rainwater too .

A hearty Greek Salad.

Survived the all-day craft thingie yesterday - was fun, but 10+ hours of sitting on my duff with very little movement did a number on me and I'm feeling it today. Got up and moved when I could, but it's a very sedentary day and my body hated it. They had a lovely lunch, but the only thing I could have possibly eaten that they provided was the green salad - not exactly a filling lunch. They had potato soup, chili, bread, sweet rolls, fruit (all high sugar/starch varieties) and CANDY...ugh.
I packed my own: salad topped with shredded chicken, cheese and green olives, my own dressing from home, raw veggies with dip, string cheese and dill pickles. The only thing I ate that they provide was a bit of the cheese they put out for snacks. Rather proud of myself for staying on track, and it showed on the scale this morning! Woohoo!

Spent all morning just dealing with the aches and pains from yesterday - the Aleve has finally kicked in, so time to get busy with cooking and food prep.

Cap, you've inspired me - think I'll make another LC coconut pie for this week and take some to mom.

My daughter got us a free box from Hello Fresh ( a mail you meals place that you cook, they send everything) and I have to say the meals are wonderful! Hubs loves to cook so he is likeing it, and the boxes for 2 feed all three of us. Only did 2 boxes,, because they seem pricey ( but not really at about $7 a meal), but they send you the recipe so you can also make it on your own. Its the main course and a side... tonight is a chicken and potato and green bean dish.. very yummy!

i was supposed to be following a lemon / sour cream pie recipe . dont have sour cream so i used a couple small cans of heavy cream i got from the markdown rack . the pie is chilled now and i cant say ive ever tasted any better lemon custard . the pastry leaves a bit to be desired but considering how little trouble i put into it -- its fine by me .
been reading about potatoes in brats too . seems its quite the norm in sweden .
its strange just cooking for oneself but i read a bit recently about trans fats and heart health . in short - its a wonder people dont die exiting the drive thru at our fast food places . at least i know whats in my homemade gruel ..

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