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Crab meat quiche. Was good.

I'll be right over Susan. :)

Hauled out a bunch of meat from the freezer to thaw yesterday, going to do an LC cooking spree this weekend. Friend of mine bought me a ticket to an all-day craft-making thingie tomorrow, so I have to go to that, but Sunday is all mine.

Going to make some pulled pork (LC style, no sugar), taco soup (I love that stuff SOOO much), some meatballs, hardboiled and deviled eggs, tuna salad, raw veggies prepped for snacks and maybe a couple of casseroles. Much of it will go in the freezer for later meals, but some will be for next week. Gotta be prepped if I'm going to stay on track.

Keep us posted on the lemon pie, Cap.

I knew you didn't believe that BS about the sugar crystals, but holy cow....where do people get this crap??

Dinner tonight was a mixed plate affair. Don't feel like cooking, so I just tossed together a cold plate of celery sticks and peanut butter and a few with some veggie cream cheese, a scoop of cottage cheese and a couple slices of braunschweiger. Yum.

the sugar crystals was a comment someone made on another thread yesterday . i dont think the lady meant that literally but i thought it was humorous .
im having a couple of brats tonight . thats what i made em for -- when i come home hangry and tired .
its rumored that the VW corporation in germany dispenses with the worlds best brats in their cafeterias . what the h#ll do they know ? i plan to put mashed potatoes in my next batch , maybe some ground celery too .
gonna go see about the lemon pie business right now . im a real one tracker till i get what i want .

Captain, you come up with some of the most bizarre ideas I've ever heard, I mean really? Sugar crystals slicing up your brain and kidneys? No Way! That's just plain kooky! Lol! You can believe everything you read!

Sugar crystals slicing up the brain and kidneys....well, that's a new one on me. If that's true, the world must be populated with walking zombies peeing blood.

Sorry for the graphic description, but .....come on.

i bought some eggs today at the try n sav for 99 cents a dozen . big eggs but i dont fry them often . maybe ill make a big lemon pie this week . i might use powdered sugar cause someone on another thread said that sugar crystals in your system will shred your brain and slice up your kidneys like so much confetti .
chandra ,
routine makes my head simmer . other people thrive on it . before i quit the factory 24 years ago , the idiots were playing taped music over the intercom . they had a rock tape , a wuss rock tape , an eggpone country tape and some kind of pop stuff . bout the time i heard the same song three times in a shift , my mild phsycosis was clawing to get out . some people could ignore it entirely . some people grooved on it . it made me feel stabby and shoot - y ..

I live with and take care of my Dad. He somehow has no digestive issues at all, and all he will eat is meat (greasy is best) and potatoes, and lots of it. This isn't new. It's all he ever liked to eat. Maybe some white bread, a canned vegetable and dessert. No spice, garlic, pasta, rice, any kind of ethnic food, whole grain, or anything he's never tried. We eat out once a week, at the same place. I never have the energy to cook 2 different meals. What he eats is just the opposite of the food I need to eat for health reasons. It sometimes makes me sick, but I can live with that a lot easier than I can with the mind numbing, no compromise routine. The food you are all talking about seems like another world, and it sounds tasty.

Susan I agree with you about those mini workouts. I try to do that as well. There are those who actually think its better to work out that way. I know it works for me. I still need to force myself to drink more water though.

Had an up and down week, food-wise, but back on track and raring to go in the past 2 days. Have kept the carbs down, water intake high, and have been doing small workouts throughout the day to get away from the desk now and then.

Tonight was homemade egg drop soup with some chopped rotisserie chicken and asparagus tips tossed in. YUM.

I'm actually taking the weekend off - go me!

the chicken legs smell bitchin . if this kind of food kills me , i hope its 50 minutes from now . id really like to devour these chicken parts before i die ..

im gonna fry some chicken legs . bought 10 lbs at the try n sav today for 44 cents a pound . if i had realized how plump these s*its are i woudla bought 40 lbs of them . big chicken legs are worth screwing with , small ones -- not so much ..
it reminds me of my outdoor wedding in 1982 . we bought 70 lbs of chicken legs from the iga store . they were miniscule .
of course cuz was tripping on 2 hits of acid for the wedding occasion . he surmised that the legs must have been harvested from very young chickens and probably with a weed eater .
" now sit there and lay eggs " .. he conjectures ..
cuz was nuts , thats what im getting at ..

Step away from the chocolate bunnies Send!
I was brought down by that old sales tactic, placing the display right by the checkout, solid bunnies for only $1.29!

We did have taco everything! There was so much cabbage and lettuce, it was virtually a taco salad. Even had the refried beans topped with white cheese.
No tomatoes though.
Now, before bed, there is hot chocolate! I wanted to go out for chocolate bunny sales, but hubby is already getting smarter back on his vitamins, so he brought it to me. Don't mind being manipulated with hot chocolate! Yes!

That was in code! Hope you all got it! Ha, ha, ha, can't believe I did code humor.
What got into me today?

Soup over beans!

Once,again, Gershun-great minds think alike-and post at the same time!

BTW, Gershun, meant to thank you for the cat gunny, protecting us all from grump.

Yoga, As I was putting the soup into containers there sat the bag of lentils I never added to the soup. I had that bag sitting out since yesterday so I would not forget to add them in and I forgot anyway.

Now you've got me thinking about cheetos! lol

Send, make taco salad, mmm my favourite! I never buy anything but lean ground beef, I think the only thing that really benefits from a little extra fat is meatloaf.

Shilo, I know what you mean.
I made a smaller pot of soup because I don't
want to look at it after a couple of days and I never wind up eating what I freeze.
Made my lentil soup again.

Gershun, Yes ladle it is! I spelled it laddle and knew it was not spelled correctly so I checked the dictionary. One might think it would have given the correct spelling as a suggestion but it did not. That is why I always asked my Mom how to spell a word first. That and she was always correcting my pronunciation.

Send, That soup ladle full of the chocolate bunny is bringing back my appetite.

Shilo and Cwillie, Wouldn't it be great to have an entire soup ladle full of that chocolate bunny? Yum. I want some. Mostly what is new to do with 90% ground beef-its not the best for tacos because cheaper grinds with more fat are recommended. But then, I don't like those more fat meats. My husband would be happier with just lettuce in the taco shell. Late lunch/dinner, bye now!

Ladle is the word you are looking for I think Shilo.

I forced myself to eat a soup spoonful (can't spell that other word that begins with la... you know the big spoon for soup...I miss my Mom..I always said she was my dictionary. I tried to use the online dictionary but it didn't even give me any suggestions close to the correct word I am looking for.) of the soup. I forced myself to eat that spoonful since I knew that bag of Cheetos was going to be opened. I surprised myself by not eating too many of the Cheetos.

Cwillie, I may just make myself a simple salad (spring lettuce and tomato) later if I get hungry. That could be my snack since I already had those Cheetos....and one homemade nut cluster.

Your soup sounds good Shilo, all your daily requirements in one bowl and tasty too. I'm sure once you dish it out and take a spoonful your appetite will come back and you will be going for seconds :)

I had too much chocolate bunny for an afternoon snack, so supper will be a salad. I'm not sure what mom will be having, but she's always satisfied with ensure...

I spent the day making a bean and veggie soup with some chicken and beef in it for added protein and taste. I have tested it for taste a few times and it has a good taste to it. I have no desire to eat it...none. I fear it will be one of those meals that gets pitched. I don't want to waste time putting it in containers and freezing it only to take it out later and throwing it away. I will put it in the frig and if I don't eat it in a day or two it is bye, bye soup!

Well, I did a pot roast and a butter pecan pie. For a 9 inch pie:
1 cup maple syrup
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 c melted butter
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup pecan pieces
1/2 cup raisins.
3 whole eggs beaten in
sprinkle cinnamon & nutmeg on top
bake 350F for an hour.

Cap, I grew up living a frugal, waste not want not king of life, but that is just plain weird... "i think they add a nice crunch to the bean soup" ... eeew, shudder

i made a pot of bean soup from my pork bones . pressure cooked them a little longer than normal and most of the bone cooked down into something that resembles ( firm ) marrow . i think they add a nice crunch to the bean soup .
so much for the old sayin that you can use every part of a pig but his squeal . eating his bones comes damm close ..

I *wish* we had a TJ's or Whole Foods here....all we have are big box stores. The nearest *good* natural foods store is 20 miles away - and that's a small privately owned one, not anything like Whole Foods or TJ's.

Not sure about dinner tonight. Been piece-mealing it all day as I was out getting groceries. I need to pull a late night tonight to get things in order for a shift happening in my business soon - need to get some things in line. I'll probably just continue snacking and munching for today - but all "legal" foods!!

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