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Yeah Llamalover! My favorite store helps me stay below budget!

Trader Joe's is AWESOME!

Naw, it is late, too tired, too late, but I will just eat the blueberries, 1/2 bannana, adding fresh pineapple spear! Traderjoes, again!

Oatbran, with blueberries and sliced banannas, with milk.

they should lie in the fridge uncovered for a few days . it permits the prague powder to cure the meat a little bit . then i freeze em in 12 packs . its hog fat damnt . you can always peel a couple out of the freezer and nuke them .
very pleased with these .

my gosh the brats are bitchin . the garlic made a big noise . real nice .

aunt edna used to beer batter cauliflower and briskly deep fry it . my son jake thought hed died and went to heaven the first time he tasted that .
ill never forget the time he asked me what the hell i was buying collared greens for . i told him to wait and see . a few bacon crumbles and some white vineagar later and he totally got it ..

I love it too, Cap - I keep the frozen stuff in the freezer all the time until I can get the fresh ones from our local farmer. He brings his produce to the local 7-11 store and sells it out of the back of his truck - I've picked up heads of cauliflower that weighed 8lbs from him for $3. Monsters.

just saw your entry susan . you cant go wrong with cauliflower . i love that stuff .

man i suck . i wish my brats would gain that additional 7 degrees . i could go to bed and give the world a little break for the rest of the evening .
look at my pic -- it aint up to no good ..

I finally decided to actually cook something tonight instead of picking and snacking at everything. Tossed together one of my favorite LC casseroles - broccoli, cauliflower, ham chunks and a creamy cheese sauce with dijon mustard and seasonings in it. Awesome stuff.

man it dont git better than turkey necks ..

Hey I am new to this forum and the brought a smile to my heart. I am gettin help and feedback on painfull issues and milestones in a lifetime Of worriying about what was for dinner for a dysfunctional emothionally spiritually and sometimes abusive family. Its also what I ask friends who have near normal lives and is a theme that has remained constant in my life evertday. So I had leftovers from lunch last nite. Im at work and I had sauteed chinese eggplant, with rice a baked turkey wing and a piece of smoked neckbone left over from collard greens. Was good too

Cap...I hear you...did the same...seriously, my Mom was right....get some good Oatmeal in you in the thing for ya!

your dinner sounds pretty rippin too mina . ive just went without breakfast or lunch for many years and its not working for me anymore . i need something in the freezer that i can grab and run with in the mornings . so far brats have seemed pretty quick and reliable .

Lol Captain....rage away in the kitchen....those brats sound great! BTW, a few years ago I spent a week in Budapest, Hungary on business. Every meal at our hotel had all kinds of wild (as in, literally, wild animal) meats on the buffet. I did try some and they were quite tasty but I'm not a huge meat eater, so passed on would have been in were quite beautiful many sausages!

Me...not so much of a cook....or baker....that would be the lil sis....excellent at both. Love watching cooking shows, esp. during long, cold, dreary winter months....but actually cooking? Not so much.... hearty meal tonight was a homemade tuna salad w/lettuce and tomato on fresh bakery marble rye, with homemade pasta salad and just baked brownie....yummm....seasoned overnight w/nothing but the cool air of the fridge...oh, and I add crunchy BBQ chips (on the sandwich, plz)....all from my favorite local, family-owned bakery/deli....Mmmmm....delish....

just to appear diplomatic , i took a vote with the rest of the crew ( just me ) and we decided we had a black pepper deficit . at this point , its a wrap .
this crap is fun people . you run a 3 ft length of sausage , then twist it into links and twist the lengths into threesomes resembling a rack of bananas . then they can be hung in the smokehouse or low temp oven baked .
theyre staple food in romania , hungary , germany , uk ( bangers ) , and many other countries that i envy and respect . theyre good enough for my uncultured , central indiana ass ..

my , its already time to press sausages . you should fry a little paddy to check the seasonings before you press . i just did that and i dont have a problem with it . there aint no recipe and in fact i think a maniac is probably the best village sausage seasoner . seasonings are measured by the handsfull and its all about what you " got " .
mine contains deer , hog , bacon , wine , red pepper , oregano , mustard , canning salt , black pepper , jalapenos , onion , garlic powder , oatmeal , fennel seed , , lemon juice , brown sugar . $h*t , why even fry and sample it ? the ingredients speak volumes ..
this IS the cooking thread , b*t@ch3s . im barefoot , pregnant and in the kitchen tonight .
( more crushed red pepper tho , seriously ) , altho it doesnt show its @$s till the sausage is a few days old ..
gonna make about 10 inch lenghts this time because the bread is only something to hang onto the brat with . the brat is the hearty lunch ..

i think ill listen to some " rage " live at wacken while i make brats . the medieval - goth era werent even as barbaric as these musicians . they temporarily take me off of this continent .
no offense to the usa . were the innovators and hopefully always will be .

i put a hurt on the try n sav tonight . ive been stalking the markdown shelf till i got what i wanted . bags of " in shell " pecans for .75 . got 10 of em .
the bakers chocolate finally made it down to 1 . 15 , got 12 of em .
when youre as dam homely as i am you have to make some outstanding cookies to compensate .
i also got bacon for 1 . 99 a 12 ounce package so as soon as my pork thaws im going to whomp on a big batch of medieval brats . i have additions this time like mustard powder and fennel seed .
anyway i walked outta the try n sav with about 30 lbs of heavy staple foods for 40 bucks . the brats alone will make about 80 meals . i bought the pork two weeks ago when it was a buck a pound .
i tasted the cantaloupe booze today altho its not even completely fermented and i believe its going to be pretty lip smack - y ..
" steve " contributed to half the batch of wine and will probly buy half of this brat batch . i wouldnt try to make profit from him but hes a pretty square shooter . ill bet if i ever needed him hed come running .
sorry to ramble but of course im wound tonight . making brats gets my GOTH on ..

@Cwillie sorry for not answering earlier, got a bit involved in life offline. No merguez is not part of my heritage -- I have German and Irish blood as well as English. but I grew up with a real United Nations of people and like to try all kinds of different foods, and I know Mom is not keen on merguez. So while I am by myself, I am eating things that I enjoy, along with freezer-diving and basement spelunking.

Today lunch was leftover chicken breast with peanut sauce, with some baguette instead of pasta as the recipe called for. I also added some frozen peas, it seemed to be all meat. supper was the last frozen fish fillet, with (homemade) potato salad and a handful of miscellaneous vegetables brought together as salad. Dessert was fresh blueberries (Chilean) with Cool Whip and a homemade green velvet cupcake. See, I'm trying to eat reasonably healthy.

May Edna soar with the angels. She is finally free. What a wonderful woman and an inspiration for you and many others. She always lifted you up and never dampened your spirit. Rest in peace Edna. I hope you knew how many people were fond of you in cyberspace.

Aw, Cap...I'm sorry to hear about Edna. Your stories of your adventures with her were always some of the most interesting posts.

I am so sorry about Edna's passing.. but you gave her a great time!

FK yea . a few tears now but edna lives on in my sons too . either will elbow you straight outta the kitchen ,.

whats for dinner ?
fried chicken , everclear and lemonaid .
think about it for a moment . greasy chicken , a shot of lightning to cut the grease , then a sip of lemonaid to quench the burn .
aunt edna died last night so peacefully . she has inspired everything thats good in my life . my mother always struggled with bipolar and diabetes , not to mention a tyrant for a husband . edna was always the gal who would turn the forest game into incredible meals fit for a king -- and all this , seemingly without effort . i LIVE and breathe to have that kind of confidence in the kitchen .
wtf am i talking about ? i HAVE that confidence , thank you honey , rest in peace ..

I'm really looking forward to berry season this year - I've missed picking the last 2 years due to mom's health issues. I'm definitely going out this year and getting berries!

yup susan , but you probly werent a lazy sob who canned the fruit up before it was ripe and without even peeling it .
i made the pear crisp and it wasnt bad at all . no doubt itll be better tomorrow when its cold and the sweetness enhanced .

Easy blueberry pie filing (without cooking) - Mom's recipe:

Place your washed fresh blueberries in the bottom pie crust. Sprinkle with a mixture of cornstarch and sugar (about half as much corn starch as sugar). Toss gently to mix. Top with 2nd pie crust and bake. The cornstarch will mix with the juice from the berries and thicken it. Works pretty well every time, unless I screw up the ratios!

For once I knew something you did not Capt I have always made my pies that way.
If i should use (Shh) a canned pie filling, usually at least par bake the crust first. I have a heavy clay circle that keeps the center down. I do the same thing when making things like a quiche. That way you get the crisp crust but the filling cooks slower on a lower temp

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