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No, not "whatever"! Now who's acting resigned! It's just about following some simple rules man! Don't make me give up on you!

Ya But, you can have a "Give a Damn" approach, and NOT use filthy language to prove it! Most of the things you say, I can gloss over, it doesn't bother me, but you need to go back and reread what you wrote on the "Positive Hospice Experience" thread, and tell me that what you wrote made any damn sense, and wasn't offensive to the other women writing here Plus, you were completely off topic! I have lost both of my parents, my MIL, more than 18 Aunties and Uncles, many to horrible diseases and disorders, and have gone through the gamut of feelings dealing with their loss, but have come out the other side stronger for it. From your gruff attitude, I can't help but feel like you have gone through some very difficult losses in your life, but please be kinder in your approach to those who are still going through theirs too, and keep it clean!

meh ,
whatever ..
the AC moderators arent looking ahead . if i suddenly become " too sweet to be true " , corporation would lay off 4 of them in 5 minutes .
be careful what you wish for ..

stacey ;
im the jerk that jerked jerk , and AC can hug it out .
the typical posting here is fraught with resignation and desperation . neither of which will result in any kind of relief . a maniacal , who gives a damm approach is IMO the only thing that will get a person thru the " loss of person " h*ll that is elder care .

i know we cant advertize here but the sausage link press is made by new ideas living , out of ( americas wang ) florida . its the cheaper sausage press on ebay . i used the smallest tube today and thought that the crank would break off in my hand . it didnt . the damm thing would run off 2 ft of link sausage in a matter of seconds ..
i aint gonna cut em too much slack . if you dont chamfer the top of the stainless tube and sand it smooth , youre going to end up with a piece of crap machine with a split silicone seal . it IS s8it engineered , you just have to approach it with a desire to make it work and a less than squinty eyed frame of mind .

Captain, I love that you are adventurous in the kitchen, and your resipe's sound delish, but you know that you can write all of this without being "potty-mouth" about it! You have a very unique style and I get it, I do but you are pi**ing people off here, and I'd hate to see you get kicked off because you stepped over the line too much! You have interesting tales to tell, and the male perspective on loving and caring for your Loved ones, and last nite you were way OTT! Hang in there and be the good guy, I know that you are! 😇

stacey ,
its a rain day here in central indiana so of course im in the kitchen . barefoot , pregnant , and in the kitchen , i aint gonna lie . whats going on is about 15 lbs of snack stick ( slim jim ) sized mozzarella / pepperoni links .
hell to the yes . tried out my new sausage stuffing press and it really works well even if i didnt initially have much confidence in its design .
here are some of the ingredients ; ( pepperoni is made exclusively with beef and maybe a couple pounds of bacon just for moisture ) .
10 lbs hamburger
2.5 lbs bacon
1/2 cup non iodized salt
1/2 cup crushed red pepper
1 cup brown sugar
1.5 cups fennel seed
1 qt wine ( pear in my case )
1 qt chopped jalapenos , with canning brine
2 large ground onions
4 teaspoons prague powder # 1
1/4 cup black pepper
1/2 cup paprica
1/2 cup garlic powder
an assload of shredded mozzarella
what makes these different from the brats is these are meant to be snacked on cold . the brats are best when nuked and the brotchen roll also nuked .
i gotta try to be nice cause the AC moderators are getting menacing . they didnt really give me a time frame for mellowing out and they didnt specify what they were going to do if i didnt . reading between the lines , i think they were threatening me with castration with an unspecified ( florida ) agricultural instrument . id bust the nickel jar and prosecute them for their threats right now if they werent so GD HOT looking . hot looking chicks get by with so much s*it . im embarrassed for all of us weak willed men , but it aint likely to change anything ..
the snack sticks are in the oven . drying them out is the objective . the mode is convection and the temp is only 150 F .

Captain, I think it's Awesome that you like to cook, or is it out of necessity? You seem to know your way around the kitchen! I'm always impressed when a man experiments with complex dishes, and making Brats is really cool! You had mentioned purchasing a sausage casing contraption, so you've been at this for a while, and I'll bet you make some mean Sausages! I'm no good in the kitchen. I can cook, but it's no fun to cook for my husband and FIL, as neither of them like anything spicy or even like their food to touch, so casseroles and stews are out of the question. I'm glad you are back posting on the AC. I generally find you pretty entertaining, generally! I have two crazy brother's and 3 grown boys though, so I get your sense of humor.

You're right about the wine, Cap - no substitutes. I used to cook in a restaurant and we used white wine as a base for many of our sauces - you can't use anything else. Sweet wine will work, but not as well as regular white - it alters the flavor completely. (In other words, don't try to use Gewürztraminer or Moscato when you need to use just regular white.)

Brats cooked in beer are awesome. I hate beer to drink - I mean *really* hate it - but cooking with it is another matter altogether.

when a recipe calls for wine , substituting is a bad option . i cant really explain that , but ive learned it while baking esterhazy steak ( hungarian dish ) and i didnt care to test it again when i made brat's . the brats freakin rock . the recipe said to let em lie in the fridge for a week and they werent kidding about that either .
my co worker asked me to make him a large batch . he was tryin to be picky and choose different spicing . after having one of the aged ones this morning , he got off the dumb stuff and asked to have em made " just like these " ..
i aint into measuring , but i do believe in reading the fine print ..

I make a mean shrimp dish with a creamy white wine sauce. It's awesome stuff. Thinking I'll have to make it again soon.

Susan and Cap,, that is why I specified not the beverage... LOL Although any of the things I cooked could be improved with a shot or two... in the dish or with "branch in a glass"...

meh ,
everybody tries to be polite on here .
humankind is not polite , in fact its self serving and near evil .
screw it . its so much more fun to be honest .

I must be in rare form tonight - or someone's trying to tell me something. I saw Cap's post and my immediate thought was "Bourbon?"


mmmm , WILD TURKEY !!

Hubs decided to take all the older wild turkey meat ( not beverage) out of the freezer and grind it. So we are swimming in it with batch one. So far we made "white chili", burittos, and a huge enchillada "pie". Our freezers will be well stocked with quick meals in a week or two. There are quite a few more pounds to grind!

stacey .
ya gotta toss out the old when its replaced . my entire home has nothing but stark essentials and therein is the beauty . my work buddy asked me if i needed silverware today . hell no !! . i have one tablespoon and one fork and since there isnt anyone living here but myself -- thats quite enough .
my kitchen is 6 centuries behind and 6 centuries ahead of its time .
its depressing sometimes , waiting for society to catch up , if they ever will ..

Captain, I love the idea of your commercial kitchen look! And I also like to haunt the indoor flea markets! My problem is that I have way too much stuff already, and need to start the process of downsizing and clearing out all of these kitchen gadgets that I have and never use!

i went to buy some relish today for my homemade brats . they wanted a buck - 29 for a pretty small jar . not gonna happen . im shredding home canned bread n butter pickles instead .
i figured out how to make great shaped hot dog buns too . ya simply roll up a 6 inch long breadstick , flatten it into a 3 x 6 rectangle , then fold it once lengthwise . yea , i aint payin a buck - 50 for store bought hot dog buns either .
been haunting the indoor flea market for glass , bail top 1/2 pint mason jars . in only a few weeks ive replaced nearly all of my plastic spice containers with these . they really give the little kitchen the " commercial " look .
and , finally found me a 2 gallon , wide mouthed sugar jar . the type that lays at a 45 degree angle . awesome -- only 12 bucks .
also got myself an 8 lb sausage stuffing press . guess i buy the fun kitchen stuff with the money i refused to spend on relish and hot dog buns .
got to do everything the hard way around here .....

What would I want for my last meal ? I wonder?
Sharadale, are you having steak for your birthday? On the bar-be-que?

I like to treat any indoor mice I come across with a nice little peanut butter sandwich, mouse sized of course. Unfortunately for them it's attached to a Victor mouse trap, but it's a great last meal LOL.

If they are cute, get them a Mickey-Minnie house, put them in it, and voila` pets!
Maybe feed them something better?

Send they are the cute little ones with black beardy.eyes and big ears you know like Micky and Minny. They have strange tastes, they ate their way into a tube of preparation H and demolished a bar of soap. They also like white electrical cords, anything wood like chop sicks and candles.

Making soup again, Veronica? What kind of varmits? Yummy?

Varmits that's what I have in my basement anyone want some?

What a great idea! A normal question ! Hey: Mom likes different things than I do- so I make a batch of ziti/soft casserole-y things/creamed soups/etc from scratch, freeze in silicone muffin pans, pop out and store frozen in big zipper bags. Then she has a selection, and I'm not cooking for a week ! Yay !

Ah, Perrier it is. Or ginger ale.
How do we get some better made chips?
Get well.

Vernors = a varmit?

Tacy, what is vernors? Is that a cold cure I don't know about, or just a typo due to predictive text? lol. Be well!

Not really eating much dinner tonight, have been munching on my "projects" from my last post all day.

Got the chicken roasted, chicken thighs had a change of plans and I put those in to simmer this morning with some seasoning - they're now fall-off-the-bone tender and I have a lovely chicken stock too. Pork roast is in the crock pot and has been simmering low and slow all day - I'll pull that out tonight and shred it.

I'll work on the rest tomorrow.

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