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I am thinking about making country fried steak, but not sure that I want to do all that work.

i like pickled beets too . mine are swimming with jalapeno peppers .
the brat's got baked this am . 70 of them . they are really good . i want to see how much having something to chew on at midday affects my energy level .
im taking brat's and brotchen rolls for the three of us at the farm tomorrow .
also ordered myself an 8 lb sausage stuffer today . filling sausages with a grinder simply takes hours and mashes up some of the ingredients that youd rather leave chunky . like cheese .


I love pickled beets!!

A picnic lunch of salmon sandwiches, pickled beets and some nice veggies and dip, featuring cauliflower, of course. It actually sounds kind of good lol.

We had friends over for lunch so I sent Hubby out for a take away tonight.

Well I am doing the exact opposite this week as we go on countdown to the move....It could get very interesting toward the weekend! I envisage some very odd meals materialising - All will be well until I only have tinned salmon beets and cauliflower left!!!!!

Just bought a load of groceries after "making do" for a few weeks with what I had in the house and freezer.

Tip for the smart shopper: hit the major grocery stores (in our area, Kroger and Meijer) on Sundays between 9 and 11am - that's when they mark the meats down. I won't buy marked down chicken because it spoils too quickly, but I see nothing wrong with marked down hamburger and pork, as long as you freeze it immediately. I was able to score about 8 packages of hamburger today to restock my freezer. :-) Plus I got a couple of good freebies - premium center cut bacon and a Kraft salad dressing from Kroger - $6 saved.

Made a menu plan for the week before I got groceries this time, and made sure I stuck to my list. The plan is to cook enough for each dinner that I can freeze some for later.

This week's menu / cooking plan:
Low-carb Taco Soup
(this stuff is FANTASTIC and you can make it as mild or spicy as you want, and it freezes well.)
Fluffy Almond Meal Pancakes (low carb, freezable)
Low Carb Pizza (essentially melted cheese in a skilled with toppings - YUM)
Herb Turkey Egg Wraps (like a rolled up omlette)
Pork with Paprika, Mushrooms & Sour Cream
Cheesy Cauliflower Ham Casserole
Cheese Chips and Pepperoni Chips for snacks
Low Carb Tortillas (can be frozen)
Low Carb Chicken Bacon Chowder (can be frozen)
Lettuce Wrapped Cheeseburgers
Low-Carb Coleslaw
Low-Carb Homemade Marinara Sauce (for the freezer)
Spaghetti Sauce with Meat (made w/the marinara sauce & hamburger, for the freezer)
Chicken Legs & Thighs (to be roasted and shredded, then portioned and frozen)

Thank goodness I have a FoodSaver sealer. :-)

Spicy black bean soup! Homemade!
Soaked the beans, simmered with onion, carrots, celery, garlic,
chili pepper, tomato, oregano, cumin, a lime, salt. Pureed half way.

I had one once with clamato,,, was totally unable to swallow it! Glad I know the difference now!

Not that I'm a drinker, and god forbid I would have to consume anything with tomato juice as a base, but the difference between a bloody mary and a caesar is that a caesar contains clamato juice... apparently a Canadian invention, and seldom heard of south of the border.

Speaking of Bloody Mary's. We call them Ceasar's here. I remember having a dinner party in my twenties. My boyfriend at the time told me that everybody quietly went to the kitchen and dumped their Ceasar's in the sink when I wasn't looking. Needless to say it wasn't my finest hour.

to give the germans whats due , im jamming on some delightful " scorpions whilst im grinding . im so envious of those bastards . ( germans ) .
ich liebe deutchsland ..

im starting to " get the economics of this euro s*it . ill easily get 150 brats from 70 bucks worth of ingredients . with a big old brotchen roll , which conversely is the term for " small bread " , were talking 150 solid meals at about 70 cents each .
nobody ever accused the europeans of being wasteful or stupid .
guess i should in all fairness add in the cold , dark beer that will be required to digest em with . lol ..

old megalo cap has bit off too much .
making the sausage tonight . per the high ground bacon content , it appears im making a cross between medieval sausage and spicy cheese brats . its hard work but ive realized one thing -- my medieval kitchen looks so badassed with the grinder / stuffer attached to the counter that im likely to permanently mount it there .
aint no decor in my kitchen . its just all business and its all old world . it cant be described because theres nothing to compare it to .
catch up america . germans / italians -- dont hate me , i just stomped you at your own game .
USA , USA ..
pam s .
pork , beef , jalapeno , cheese , red pepper, sage , salt , brown sugar , oatmeal , egg , oregano , garlic , cheese .
fun .this is an accumulation of my old world experience and my USA innovation .. these bitches are gonna rock with a big whole wheat brotchen roll ..

LOL send...I used V8!! And a splash of vodka, a hit or worchesershire (SP) and a drop of hot sauce, plus a dash of celery seed. Recipe on web... the celery stick would have been the high point ! The SIL had one on valentines day when we went out for lunch, I tasted it and it was mighty tasty. Mine.. not so much!

Did you forget the celery stick? How about Cayenne or hot sauce? What is your recipe?
O wow, she could have had a V-8.

I made my first Bloody Mary this evening, thinking to relax a bit. I can safely say it will also be my last Bloody Mary... Why did I think tomatoe juice would be a good evening beverage choice?

Fried porkchops with onions and Mac and cheese.

KFC I'm tired

I bought the worlds worst spaghetti sauce, would adding white vinegar to it cut the sweetness down? It tastes like it was made with a candy cane. Just so you guys know I am horrible cook .

I love old cookbooks. Tonight I bought frozen pasta shells stuffed with cheese and made a quick tomato sauce. I'm loving the Hunt's fire roasted tomatoes from the can.

Lasagne and spinach cheese ravioli, dessert Costco cheesecake.

Frozen kippers boiled in bag and boiled potatoes and petit pois -frozen of course!
Then canned creamy rice pudding with apple from freezer.

Last night I bought something I'd been eyeing in the grocery store for a while: pork shank confit, Gaspesian style. It was a boil in bag thing, smelled awful when cooking (salty ham-bacon kind of smell) but tasted ok. There are some leftovers for another two or three days. I had it with rice and cleaned up some frozen spinach.

At breakfast time these days, I do something I do when I travel: I make sure to have some fruit. (Premade fresh fruit salad at the moment, to h*ll with the taxes) Then I don't care what I eat the rest of the day, I know I've had something healthy at some point.

Last night I bought something I'd been eyeing in the grocery store for a while: pork shank confit, Gaspesian style. It was a boil in bag thing, smelled awful when cooking (salty ham-bacon kind of smell) but tasted ok. There are some leftovers for another two or three days. I had it with rice and cleaned up some frozen spinach.

At breakfast time these days, I do something I do when I travel: I make sure to have some fruit. (Premade fresh fruit salad at the moment, to h*ll with the taxes) Then I don't care what I eat the rest of the day, I know I've had something healthy at some point.

Never mind dinner what do you want for breakfast Mum ...nothing....followed by what are you doing....Well if you want nothing then I am taking the sweets and biscuits away. After we went through the I hate you wish you were dead phase she is now happily eating breakfast...the anger has gone and she thinks I am OK again ...for a while

Grilled salmon, rice, steamed fresh green beans

I bought a cabbage to make stuffed cabbage,, but tonight I just wanted a good veg! So I pulled out some of my cookbooks from goodwill from the 60 and 70s and found a casserole recipe. Boy is it yummy! And now hubs is pulling out stuff for another casserole tomorrow he;s reading the cookbooks too ( and I'll be makeing cabbage and ham soup also!) I love to read old cookbooks, and although they may not be too healthy some of the old recipes are awesome!

No offense taken, Cap - I just loved that summer sausage. :-) I always looked forward to hunting season, because there were 85 people on the floor I worked on, and 75 of them were men - and of those, about 45 were avid hunters. (The rest were rich boys with fancy cars and big offices, who looked down their snooty noses at us common folk.) The good ol' boys always made sure to bring in summer sausage for everyone, and gave me their ground venison when they cleaned out their freezer for the next season. I paid them back by making up a batch of venison meatballs and bringing them in for everyone to enjoy. :-)
I don't miss working there, but I do miss the venison. I'm not into hunting myself, but definitely don't have a problem with those that do.

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