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Cap, my brother in law ground up some very lean venison and then ground up the cheapest pork he could find and mixed it, ten pounds of each in a vat and added:
4 oz salt (1/2 cup)
1 1/2 oz black pepper
1 1/2 oz ground garlic
4 oz grated romano
a fistfull of fennel seeds
1/2 cup crushed red pepper
1/2 cup Italian seasoning
1 lb bread crumbs (if making patties)
and enough water for processing.
That was one yummy batch of sausage.

susan ,
summer sausage , wurst , its all similar . you can obtain bologna sized sausage casings right down to slim jim sized casings . maybe , at the end of the day , what you flavor them with isnt as important as the fact that youve gone completely " old world " on the KFC eating losers around you .
i dont mean any offense , but americans generally arent the most culinar - ily skilled people in the world .
they could get that way real quickly if the economy continues to falter . not bashing americans here . we dont do shit till you give us a reason to ..

Cap, where I used to work, there was an ongoing competition between all the "good ol' boys" there to see who had the best venison sausage. They all made their own - it was a summer sausage-style, and some of them put cheese in theirs. I have to admit, it was pretty tasty!

that f'n pam is just a walking encyclopedia isnt she ?
kidding , i like intelligent people .
yea , prague powder is the difference between fresh ling sausages or cured link sausages . im getting all prepared here . try n sav had bacon for 1.99 this week and white cheese for 4.99 ( 2 lb block ) . fried bacon chips wont hurt my link pepperoni one bit , and frankly , the guy on youtube adding shredded cheese to his sausage links kinda gave me an erect- ion ..
ive got to find something to chew on midday besides ash boring beetles . them shits just arent keeping me vertical .

I have some chicken broth and cooked turkey breast in the fridge - thinking I'll make myself a simple, warming soup tonight. Sounds good. The sun is shining brightly, the sky is clear blue - but it's 16 degrees with a windchill of 2 above zero right now. As beautiful as it is out there, I'm staying in as much as possible. Good day to eat warm foods, do laundry and clean house.

Ah I understand Jessie thanks for that Do you have that one calorie spray for frying for people weight watching? I used to use that but when it was finished (because it aint cheap by oil standards) I filled it with ordinary oil and it works just fine and limits the amount of oil - we also have a dry frier over here hang on I am sure you will have it too - yes you do they are called actifry - not cheap but in terms of oil they only use 2 tablespoons to cook 2 pounds of chips so its going to be better than most by a long margin. It might have to be a joint Christmas present but the good news is that there is a cheaper version Air Fryer and Rotisserie Multi Cooker By Good Cooking they are both on Amazon but they might help you Reviews suggest the dearer one is better

JessieBelle, I totally understand.
Mom only eats certain things or wants me to take her out to dinner after a long day when I'm exhausted.

That wasn't meant to sound discouraging. I've learned things like lightly dusted tilapia fried in a thin layer of canola oil is very good. The challenge is how to make things look fried without adding a ton of grease to the meal. For chicken and salmon croquettes, it isn't possible, but for other things it's easier.

Jude, my mother detests leftover chicken. She doesn't care for pasta and can't eat much of it, anyway, because of the diabetes. She describes most food as being not fit to eat and most restaurants as being awful. I have a feeling that she is trying to control food choices so that they are the things her mother made growing up. They lived on a very poor farm, so ate the things they raised. Her mother always fried things, so mine gets most unhappy with anything not fried. I swear she would fry her orange juice if there was a way. My main task here has been to try to take her preferences and make meals as healthy as possible. I've given up on enjoyable.

I also have knee problem Sharedale so bought chicken thighs which I marinated with lemon juice and olive oil and baked them with jacket potatoes in oven. Hu bby has gone off scrambled eggs!

Will she eat pasta Jessiebelle? If so you could always try chicken or fish with asparagus in a herb and tomato sauce over spaghetti or linguini? Really fast and easy to make

If not what about cooking off a whole chicken and then having it as a roast one day then use the leftovers for a wrap if she will eat them (I have been known to do a wrap for Mum in a sort of pitta bread rolled up or in a crispy pancake - not too sure if you have those but they are dead easy to make - all you need for the batter is 4oz plain flour egg and milk sift the flour ad the egg and then add milk slowly while beating until it is of a pouring consistency then you heat some oil till it i smoking' add a small ladle of batter and fry it flip and fry then take out and leave to cool - they freeze brilliantly as long as you put saran wrap between each one - that way you have the stuff to hand - then all you do is lay out the pancake pizza style cover half of it with whatever you fancy turn the other half over it so it looks like a semi circle, top with parmesan and bake in the oven. You don't even have to have the same as your Mum she can have boring and plain while you can spice yours up with a chilli (I freeze small one-meal pots but I make a huuuuuuge amount first) if you do her a minced (ground?)beef one she won't even know you are eating something different.

I would definitely cook off meals in a one and freeze them for her and for you then just defrost and enjoy.

That sounds great. I wish we could do easy dinners here. My mother is diabetic, though, so she has to have a full meal with meat, veggies, etc., each night of the week. I would love to go back to the day when I could run to Pizza Hut and have pizza and a beer. My mother doesn't like hamburgers, Chinese, Mexican, or really much of anything. (Writing this suddenly made me realize how mealtime is not fun anymore for me. Bah!) I miss the days of Dairy Queen and strawberry milkshakes.

Easy scrambled eggs , breakfast for dinner.

Thanks, Pam! Learn something new every day.

Prague powder #1 is curing salt, sodium nitrite. Prague powder # 2 is sodium nitrate, very similar stuff. They are preservatives commonly used for hot dogs, hams and sausages like pepperoni.

Cap, what's prague powder? I know, I know, I can go look it up, and probably will. Just curious on your definition of it.

Having some protein at mid-day is a good idea, keeps the ol' body moving.

Dinner tonight is an old favorite - shrimp with a reduced wine/cream sauce flavored with garlic, white wine and dill. Awesome stuff. I usually steam zucchini and yellow squash to serve it over, but I'm out - so I'll probably put it over miracle noodles or just eat it plain with a salad.

Thank goodness shrimp is reasonably cheap these days.

im upping my game here a little bit . i have some prague powder # 1 coming from ebay and some 30 mm pork casings . i plan to make cured pepperoni . essentially , you use whatever ingredients that you like . pepperoni differs from most sausages in that it is around 40 % ground beef .
ive got to find something i can chew on at morning or midday . 16 hour fasting periods are no longer working for the OLD guy ..
while im waiting on the casings and powder im cooking some more of those hog ribs .

I wanted to cook last night because hubby was feeling better, but my knee did not want to cooperate, so I made up a recipe of chicken breasts baked with olive oil and garlic, drizzled with honey

an old customer gave me a cut up half gallon of what i call guatemalan insanity peppers a half a year ago . in reality , habeneros . my damn .. ive been tryin to use em up before they burn thru the bottom of my fridge and into the basement .
the hog ribs are freakin delicious .

judda ,
that does sound euro and awesome but tonight im into the skiptoothed , neckbearded , usa phenomenon of hog ribs .
im onto the german way of preserving , fermenting , and preserving hog sausage , but tonight its just fresh ribs with a dip sauce .

Food and memories go together.

Mm. Thanks Capt'n! That garlicy approach reminds me of The James P Salad. When I went to art school, I lived in a house full of other young artists, poets, and musicians. James always smelled of wine and garlic. His famous dish was his cabbage salad.

I fondly remember how mindfully he sliced everything as if it were an act of art. First a head of cabbage sliced into a huge bowl. then heads and heads of garlic. Then he'd peer into the refrigerator and different kinds of veggies went into the mix; all thoughtfully sliced. He was fun to watch. Feta cheese sometimes was added. Well after he exhausted what was in the kitchen, finally came the olive oil and whatever vinegar was there. At last everyone in the house was invited to his red wine, a crusty loaf of bread and a bowl of that salad. He always would walk around Portland, Maine and visit someone and make that salad. He was called The Walking Cabbage Salad!

Thanks for reminding me of that memory.

i associate thailand with impoverishment and pedophilia . thats messed up man . ill just have me some american hog ribs here in a little bit .
its like punching somebody in the dark , theres no victim .

Yesterday I made a meal inspired by Pad Thai. Got a jar of the Pad Thai sauce, sliced a cabbage, onions, mushrooms, broccoli, and boiled those long Thai rice noodles. I stir fried the veggies first, except for the broccoli which I saved til the end. Added the sauce, then the cooked noodles. Let everything cook in the big frying pan a few minutes stirring it. Tasted great and made about three servings. You could toss some shrimp or leftover meat in it at the end too.

i love creamy coleslaw . cranberries can cram off somewhere but otherwise , whoo , garlic , celery seed , shredded cabbage ? BITCHIN ..

How about stuffed cabbage? It's a project to do but you could make two big baking pans and freeze some of it in small containers.
Stuffed with rice and ground meat, or rice with raisins or with beans.
Pour tomato sauce over it. Lots of good recipes online.

cabbage: I love coleslaw! I often make a red slaw: with apples, nuts, raisins or dried cranberries, shredded carrot, maybe diced celery. The dressing is half yogurt (I like goat yogurt from Trader Joe's), and half real mayo. Sweet and crunchy, and it lasts a while if you don't eat it all at once!

yogagirl ,
of course i have some advice -- lose the top ..
WTF , ever .
ive been into some pork rib tips from the try - n- save - , at 89 cents per pound .
i boill them shits till theyre falling off the bone , then just dip them in homemade bbq sauce .
im boiling some of them right now ..

Chicken Parmesan but not homemade. With a sick husband I just don't have the energy to cook homemade especially when I know he doesn't want to eat.

Fresh soup from deli at the market, chicken noodle for sickies!

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