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Tortellini with meat sauce did the trick tonight.

Okay so It has been strange weather here but typical for Fl winter. We had 80's last week but 50's this weekend and next week. So last week was grilling outside, beef tenderloin steaks, hamburgers, shrimp but since it got cooler I get more likely to get lazy. We had pizza last Tuesday and that lasts for two days.Friday was pancakes and blackberry compote on top. We also had chili and tonight I made cheese quesadillas.

Pulled pork-two days in a row, dinner, now lunch.
Seasonal would be ????????

Jessie, I love cabbage cooked the way you mentioned...My favorite way to eat it... :)

I asked how to make cabbage edible a while ago and got helpful reply to braise it with caraway seeds. This can be done as you suggest Jessie in ( covered ) skillet with a little water and onion .Perhaps put butter on top to add more flavour? I shall be doing this tomorrow as I found cabbage languishing in bottom of fridge as usual!

Yoga girl, I have a "mandolin" for shredding cabbage. You can find them on ebay. Heck, with a little salt and a Harsch Gairtopf crock, you can make your own sauerkraut. Keep the crock by the door, and vent the lid every time an annoying person visits.

Mystery solved, YouTube has several great tutorials for shredding cabbage. It's an art. I need some practice

Thanks JessieBelle and pamstegma. My shredded cabbage never comes out as nice as the store bought. It looks like a mess when I use a knife and it turned to mush when I tried it in the in the cuisinart. Any tips?

Yoga girl, use shredded fresh cabbage on a sandwich or burger the same way you would use lettuce. It is crunchier and sweeter.
BBQ groundhog? The only person I know who would eat that is Captain.

Jessie did you wake Phil up early? Be careful some of our hungry posters might fancy him on the BBQ. I bet he wouldn't be the first ground hog the cast has eaten!

Oh, I forgot to say to cover the skillet. If you don't have a lid, then putting some aluminum foil loosely over it works nicely. (This is what I do in this house with no lids.)

Yogagirl, there is an easy and delicious way to cook cabbage. Get a skillet and cut up 1/4-1/2 head of cabbage (as much as you want). Then cut up some sweet onion to mix in with it. Put it in the skillet with about 1/4-1/2 cup water. Put 1/2 stick of margarine on top. Bring the water to a boil, then turn to low. Cook for 20 minutes . The steamed cabbage is delicious and so simple. The sweet onion really adds to it, though it can be left out.

And speaking of cabbage... I bought a big head of cabbage by mistake, thinking it was lettuce. Any healthy, delicious, recipe ideas? I guess I could just steam it or add it to soup.

Jude...haha......oh wow...If I was I would NEED a good agent! You're hired!

craving hope? you're not pregnant are you and if you are can I be your agent!

Not dinner but lunch...I was craving cabbage for some I had one of those bags of angel hair cabbage and put some poppyseed dressing on it and it was wonderful....

Too fattening and potentially toxic, even broiled with lemon. :-)

Fried troll!

I would love to eat a homecook meal. So far ive been eating frozen or things from a can.

i made some bean soup for a girl customer a week or so ago . they went over well . after reading some bean soup recipes i can see why . most of em like like monkey mucous from a monkey . so tonight im making ham beans with bacon cornbread . the girl tried to friendzone me so i accomplice zoned her . id still make my accomplice some bean soup tho cause i love to cook for people .
besides shes got bout a half a mil in assets . i work cheap and i earn it , but id like to have some of that half mil .. lol

Don't want to gross anyone out-and apologies in advance-Liver-needed the iron because-so burned out after the full moon.
Also, clearing the fridge so I will know what to buy, starting over from zero has always helped me to function when everything is empty, clean, like brand new.

I cleaned out the pantry during the snow.. amazing what you find in there.. like a can of corned beef from the folks that expired 2011... NO we did not eat that!! So now my pantry is all wonderful and spacey, and my basement storage area is refilled.. now if I can only remember to check it before I go to the store. I did find a can of "meal starter" so we are having beef stroganoff for dinner.. smells great!

rosmarin, thanks for the great recipe and chopping tip!

I just put chopped everything in a large soup pan that is -onions large potato red peppers can of tomato passata or large can of tomatoes stick of celery or some celeriac and simmer 30 minutes. Chicken broth if you have any. Add some dried herbs salt and pepper maybe a little chili to give it a kick. Blend and add milk or creme fraiche at the end for smoother texture. I am always looking for quick easy and healthy recipes and ones that will do two days if enough made. I serve the soup with slices of brie cheese and good bread. You can sit in front of the TV (if you ever have the time) and chop the veg on a board on your lap throwing the pieces in to a pan on the floor!

All of those ideas sound great! It is going to be the rare occurence of peanut butter sandwich for me.

Soup was a hit!i haven't made it in a long time because I couldn't remember the amounts, just the ingredients, so if you are willing to try here is what I did. First you dice 1/2 red pepper and 1/2 green pepper. Then cut about two lbs of potatoes with the skins. Place potatoes,peppers, can of chicken broth, 2-3 bay leaves, salt and pepper in 21/2 qt covered casserole and cook in microwave on high. For 17 mins. Then remove about 1/4 of the potatoes in blender, add about 1/4 c of low fat milk in blender with potatoes until creamed. While doing this. Put a package of frozen sweet corn in soup and cook 3-4 min. When done, remove, add blended potato mixture to soup to thicken soup. Stir until thicken potatoes are evenly distributed. Yummy and low fat.

Sendmehelp! Love Jasmine rice and the idea of putting canned chili beans with it! Complete protein. Will do this very soon. I am on your wavelength too over where on this earth is a clean pan! actually I have too many pans (everyone says including husband) but so what - I just stick them in the conservatory until I get around to cleaning them up. Glad I didnt listen to the people who want me to chuck everything out. Down with Feng Shui!

I made easy cheesy chicken quesadillas. Put a large 10"soft taco shell in a 9 inch pie plate, throw in diced chicken, onion, pepper. Top with slices of pepper jack, topped it with another soft shell that I buttered on the bottom. Baked it at 350 for 20 minutes. Hubby put hot sauce on his slice.

Fried Tilapia, Mac and cheese and green beans yesterday. Today I mad a low fat 20 minute potato corn chowder in the microwave.

Hope, we are just not that sophisticated when we are too challenged just to find a clean pan. We had jasmine rice, with canned chili on top. But I do like the red beans and rice recipe. Again, a complete protein! My husband can even make that, but not able to last night. No worries-we went out much earlier in the day
for in-in-out burgers-for some that would last all day and into dinner!

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