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Ooooh, rice and beans!!! I love that...would this be New Orleans style red beans and rice??? Love that too!! I'm being a tad lazy tonight..ordered pizza...but at least I got the extra thin crust and told them pile on the veggies.. :)

Dinner was rice and beans-a complete protien-I heard that on the healthy channel.
Actually-it was not complete at all, it was severely missing in the nutitional aspects of chocolate.

Found small piece of steak in freezer. Cooked with left over tomato celery and onion soup as base plus garlic and a little left over miso soup . Cooked slow first on hob then oven for several hours - seasoned well . served with a little boiled potato . Husband loved it even with his very poor appetite . Vegetarian diet gone out the window with the winter weather!

How is Edna doing? Is she still with you?

Potatoes and velveeta actually sounds good! Welcome back buddy!

fk soup , pamzimmert . i would eat some fish if you have pea gravel to go with it . otherwise it only fills your hunger for about one hour .
ive been eating canned potatoes , reheated , drained , then hit with velveeta cheese . im not sure it gets much tastier than this .

We have prepped for the snow storm,, I have so much food you can all come over! Chicken, pizza, salmon...soup..lots of soup!

Yesterday was choose you leftover night. Since there wasn't enough of anything for everybody, I made a menu and let each pick their poison, lol.
The night before, I made a new experiment in the crockpot. I took 4 frozen chicken breasts, put it in the crock with Mojo and salt pepper and garlic. Then a I just left it. Served with rice, and steamed broccoli.

Everybody always has better sounding things than me, but today I did good. I made an early dinner, since we are at home in the snow storm and I made barbecued chicken with my own special sauce, mashed potatoes, corn pudding and green beans! Last night I made a pineapple cake for desert. I can hardly wait.

Toasted whole wheat pita stuffed with hummus, chopped tomato, and cucumber. Lunch time, yum!

For lunch today, a FLAN or omelette pie. Preheat oven to 350F (176.6C)
Cook 6 slices of bacon nice and crispy (2 minutes in microwave)
In 9" glass pie plate: spray with oil, add a roll-out pie crust.
In a blender: 1 cup milk, 5 eggs, an onion, 1/2 red pepper, 1/2 cup Bisquik.
Pour that into the pie shell. Top with 1 cup shredded mozzarella and crumbled bacon. Bake at 350F 40 minutes. The center should be risen into a nice dome shape. Cool ten minutes. Serves 4. The texture is soft enough to eat without your teeth in. :-).

I made a big pot of black bean soup with lots of good spices. I chop cilantro and sprinkle it on top before serving. So good!

OH yes, and I ate a lot of homemade chicken soup made with good quality raised chicken and no antibiotics (I'll take my own when desperate and if necessary thank you). Again you can buy a bunch for just about $3 at TJ's or Market Basket. I am learning to eat healthy and as cheaply as possible. How about you?

Sick with the sinus infection for a frigging month and counting, I desire only rye toast, lots of fresh garlic (rubbed on the front and back before you add butter), and Trader Joe's soups: butternut squash, tomato: when to weak to cook. Now that I feel better I bought some beef bones and simmered a pot of that all day. I rarely eat beef but to build minerals in the body, I thought I'd try it. It was fun to cook up. The broth can be added to future meals, if I don't slurp it all right up!

With this infection I lost all desire for what I usually love to eat: juicing veggies, raw veggies. I even had pretty much given up bread but now I seem to be addicted to it while sick. But the joy of eating a perfect grapefruit or honey tangerine! I heard Bromelain is good to take for a supplement with this. Instead I am drinking lots of pineapple juice. Feeling better slowly.

Pot Roast with celery, onion, carrots, potatoes and peas. All natural gravy is my idea of "juicing" when there is a lake-effect snowstorm.

For lunch, and to save our health, we are juicing at home, celery and carrots.

Our juice store was closed, so we got some really fast, unhealthy food, including a huge pile of fries. Really, must get back on track and eat at home, healthier food, and less damage to the budget.

Jamba Juice, gotta hurry-they close early. Maybe the greens wilt at night, or something?

I've been working - the holidays are nuts for my business. Very glad to see them over. I even took a whole weekend off and did absolutely nothing that I intended to do, which was wonderful, even if I didn't get anything done. I needed a mental health break after 2 months of non-stop rush, rush, rush.

Started back on track after almost a full year of paying more attention to Mom and her needs than my own. (And boy, does it show - that scale and I are having a love-hate relationship.) I've started doing some cooking in batches and freezing meals ahead, so I can stay on track. Made a really nice low-carb green smoothie yesterday, picked up some hard salami, cheeses, raw veggies and salad stuff to make it easier to stay on track. My FoodSaver has been getting a workout. :-)

Going to make some meatballs tonight to freeze, but dinner tonight will be pork steaks grilled on the GF grill, along with some steamed veggies, or maybe some salad. Also going to bake up a couple batches of Christmas cookies (which I didn't get done before Christmas) and give them away - just so I can use up the ingredients I bought and get them out of the house.

Nobody's been posting so I guess we have all been busy or eating out of cans. Dinners here have been, grilled salmon, rice and steamed broccoli, country fried steak with mashed potatoes, corn and biscuits, pork chops fired in butter and onions, Mac and cheese and steamed green beans. One night I picked up KFC and we actually ate that for two nights. One night we had tacos which is one of hubby's favorites and not hard to get together.

Sunny, I go through phases where I cook like a madwoman, then I go through times when I eat crap out of cans for a week. LOL Depends on my schedule and how busy I am and how much I feel like cooking. There are weeks where I've eaten a whole lot of canned soup and sandwiches or things like that.

Why does everyone else seem to have better dinners than I do? lol

Oh well....I need to plan better I guess. It's been raining and storming all day. I guess I'll have to make do with a tuna salad sandwich and vegetable soup (from the can).

NYD family meal in our house was always pork and sauerkraut with mashed potoatoes. Aunt is visiting and she and mom made homemade applesauce today to go with it. I made plenty of appetizers for them to heat up/get out tomorrow for dinner (hubs will be home, I work Thurs/fri ) and I will eat some when I get home. Dinner tonight is turkey and veg pot pie.. useing up those leftovers, and freezing meat as well for later!

Dinners have been yummy but I can't remember where I left off. No big deal. Hubby mad burgers one night when I had a migraine and did not want to eat. We had tenderloin steaks again last night with baked potatoes and steamed green and I went to Olive Garden on night so I had chicken Fettuccine Alfredo and she had Eggplant Parmagiana. Hubby stayed home and had pea soup. Tonight is pork chops, fried rice and green beans again. Tomorrow will be chicken Parmagiana with angel hair pasta. New Year's Day is traditionally supposed to be ham and black eyed peas. I am not from the south so this does not sound very good. My husband doesn't like ham and will only eat a small amount of black eyed peas. He is a little superstitious so he still wants the peas. This is a battle every year. I hate cooking something that won't get eaten.

Turkey chili.

Anita, Thank you for sharing!
That recipe sounds great, low sodium, too.

Vegetarian Lentil Soup - delicious and inexpensive and HEALTHY!

Made vegetarian lentil soup yesterday. When my MIL was living with us, she would ask to help and was able to cut up the celery and carrots. (Even though DH didn't want her to because she might cut herself - thankfully she never did! Ans she was SO happy to help.)

Here's how I make it: (You can saute the vegs in some olive oil for 5 minutes if you want to, or just throw everything into a pot and turn it on! Ha!)

6-8 stalks celery cut into 1/2' pieces
3-4 carrots, scraped & cut bit-size
1 large onion or 2 medium chopped
2 parsnips, scraped and cut into bite size pieces
1 16 oz can diced tomatoes (seasoned or not - I prefer the fire roasted)
1 qt. box low sodium (preferably organic) veg broth
2 rounded cups washed lentils
1 can black beans with liquid
1-2 capfuls Colgin's smoked hickory liquid seasoning
Herbs you prefer: I used about 1 tsp oregano and 1/4 tsp lemon thyme from my garden that I'd dried, and some fresh parsley chopped, fresh ground pepper and Mrs Dash salt substitute
1/2 cup red wine if you like - adds another level of flavor and the alcohol cooks off
1-1/2 qts water to make as "soupy" as you wish - or add another 1 qt box of veg broth

Put all in 5 qt soup pot.
Turn on med high and bring to boil - stirring occasionally so it doesn't stick.
Once it boils, reduce to simmer.
Cook on low for 1 - 2 hours (longer is better - for flavors to meld)

Serve with some crusty bread (and some cheddar cheese on the side if you like).

This will make about 8 servings - so you can have it for dinner/lunch several times. Being vegetarian it will keep for 4-5 days with no problem! Freeze some for later.

I made this the last time I visited my own parents and my mother was surprised at how good it was without any meat. (Here's the question we have been asking at my house for the past several years: Does someone have to die EVERY time we sit down to a meal? The answer we have arrived at is "no". )

Hope you enjoy it!

ohJude, funny! Oh well, you never know how these guys will react.
SusanA43, sounds yummy! Must smell wonderful.

Oh goodness, Jude! Save yourself time with the meals, but end up explaining to Mom repeatedly that it's not Christmas....not a great trade off.

My taco soup is in the freezer (with some in the fridge for me to eat tomorrow), bean soup is bubbling merrily away in the crock-pot and turkey breasts are in the oven, snoozing under their wine, butter & herb-soaked blankets of cheesecloth.

Note to self: do NOT on any account make 10 meals to freeze when you cook the christmas Turkey - Mum now thinks its christmas AGAIN

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