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LOL I thought haricots vert was something fancy Ha!! Green Beans! You got me!

jeanne, I will look up the potted ham recipe at NordicWare. That sounds so good, with radish for crunch and the watercress to cut the richness. The sharp cheddar scones sound right up my alley. I love savory recipes.

The haricot verts are so easy. Just a quick simmer, four to five minutes, and drain. Top with butter and sea salt. The package suggest 5 to 7 minutes but I err on the less side. I like a little crunch in my beans. :)

Yes, the prosciutto and artichoke combo is good, especially with honeyed goat cheese. My boys are so sick of this stuff but I can't seem to get enough of it. Thankfully, they gobble up the crust. It's amazing (and I hate that word, as related to food. The Grand Canyon is amazing.) I'm just thankful after 25 years of attempts that I found something EASY and good.

Windy, I got the potted ham recipe at a NordicWare cooking class. It is like deviled ham, and has radish and watercress in it. It is very nice to spread on savory scones. I used a sharp cheddar. The scone also had some mustard and some honey. The sweet scone (an excuse for lemon curd and clotted cream) was interesting - it has chopped crystallized ginger.

I've got some haricot verts in the fridge. How did you prepare yours?

Prosciutto and artichoke on pizza ... be still my heart! Might have to try that combination.

Oh Jeanne, I love your beautiful dessert photos, but please post a pic of that hat. :) I was at TJ's on Tuesday and they had such a beautiful variety of peppers. And daffodils at 10 for $1.49! I bought two bunches. So nice to have a touch of spring for so little money!

Your tea party menu looks so delicious. I'm curious, is the potted ham akin to deviled ham. Yes, I could google it, but I trust your take more. And the chive and cheese scones - what type of cheese did you use? I'm so looking forward to fresh chives from the garden. It's too soggy to take a look right now.

I made a batch of easy peasy food processor pizza dough (again) yesterday. We tried out TJ's pizza sauce which actually pretty good, though I like a chunkier sauce. This one was very smooth but with a good herby taste profile. Topped it with prosciutto, artichoke hearts, onions and mozzarella. Good stuff!

Dinner was once again grilled cheese with tomato soup. Busy days make for easy dinners.

Today we took my mom and my husband's dad out to Houlihan's, not my first choice, but I know they will always find something they like. Husband and FIL had breakfast offerings and my mom and I had the spicy shrimp special. I was pleasantly surprised, well actually impressed. A dozen medium-sized shrimp were served in a very light tempura batter over very fresh coleslaw in a banana ginger dressing with black sesame seeds. Wow! This chain restaurant surprised me!

I'm also glad I made a trip to the restroom as one of the black sesame seeds was lodged between my front teeth. Not a good look!

Simple grilled chicken tonight, baked beans and haricot verts, once again from TJ's. Best green beans outside of home grown.

I had a tea party here today, for two of my daughter's friends to come see her new digs. This is what I served:

Chive and cheese scones
Potted ham
Cucumber and sprout sandwiches
Curried egg salad sandwiches
Shrimp salad in mini cream puffs
Fruit barm brack (a quick bread)
Walnut, dates, cherry, and choc chip bread
Lemon pound cake
Marble pound cake
Ginger buttermilk scones
Lemon curd
Clotted cream
Shortbread cookies
Mint Dove chocolates

The ladies wore funny hats. My daughter bought every kind of pepper Trader Joe's had on hand, and sewed them on a straw garden hat.

i, uh just cant get away from dog problems. stopped by my sons shack tonight and the landowners dog offered to tear me up. i was gentle, king , friendly, cordial, all that sh**t. the dog kept easing into my blind side for an archiles attack. i finally picked up an adequate club to defend myself. upon entry into my sons shack he talked down to me explaining how that was " martys dog " he wouldnt have tried to damage me if i werent so aggressive, etc. jake has talked down to me about enough at this point. i got in his ass and i hope he dont like it..

i go nowhere without a brick hammer on my side. stepped into a garage full of customers family last week and a very deadly pit bull walked up to me and threatened my life. i made little eye contact but motioned him back out of my personal space while easing out the brick hammer. it has 3 modes. broadside stun, hammer side serious damage, and chisel side death. i told the people politely that he wasnt going to chew me up. its a tricky situation because if id showed fear id have been setting myself up for further harassment. dozer and i are beginning to show some mutual respect now. if he attacks me it will take them a week to mop up the garage because i will puncture ribcage and dozer will be no more.. ive been thru too much to die at the hand of an animal with a brain the size of a shifter knob..

OH NO, never scrub that "seasoned" coating off of cookie sheets or cast iron frypans. NO soap! Just hot water and a small nylon scrubber. New pans have to be coated with vegetable oil and baked to establish a stick-free surface. Because when you whack the burglar with the frying pan you don't want it to stick to his head. That might look like assault. Just say "He fell down".

I don't know about bread pans, Cap, but carbon steel wok owners and those who love cast iron don't generally use soap on them, to keep the pan seasoning intact. I took a Chinese cooking class where the instructor showed us what a well-seasoned pan should look like (black) and that it can take years of cooking to perfect this. Then he told us his mother visited him once and while he was at work she scrubbed his precious wok down to the bare steel. She was so proud. He was so devastated.

Guard your pans!

You can put me down as one of the clean-up crew for the AC caregiver dinner.

frequent bakers dont wash the bread pans jeanne. the baked on crust is like teflon for future purposes. i just keep mine in the fridge..

slight modification to the potatoes .. I had a sudden craving for caramelized onions, so whipped up a batch, then mixed them in with yogurt; crumbled up the baked potato (mixed with tiny chopped up bits of the skins, just cuz they're good for you), then sort of tossed to two parts together. Kind of reminded me of latkes, without the crispy. YUM.


Meanwhile, I'm downloading and converting videos onto DVDs. Tellya what tho? If the pirateers use the same process I'm using, they're wasting their lives. What a PITA.

It is a deal, BoniChak! I'll cook! Do we have any volunteers for cleanup?

Sweet teriyaki marinated steak, medium rare; baked potato with greek (unsweetened) yogurt (cuz it's the only kind without whey and I can't have sour cream *pouts* .. tho .. it's actually a really great replacement) a small salad and lightly sweetened strawberries over lemon pound cake for dessert.

Lookee ma .. I'm cookin'

Jeanne, if we were ever to all get together for a meal.....YOU are doing the cooking! You make me drool!

Normally I would say fooey on pre-made sauces, But Trader Joe's is a horse of a different color. Their stuff is really good.

This must be my week for purchased sauces. The meat dish tonight was chicken breast browned in a cast iron skillet, topped with one jar of Trader Joe's garlic sauce, covered with foil and popped into the oven. We all like the sauce. Along with it we had planned-over mashed potatoes, asparagus tossed in lemon juice and olive oil, topped with sesame seeds and roasted, and two new recipes. I tried a very spicy seasoning for roasted cauliflower and I did a practice run on a savory scone (cheddar and chives) I'll be serving at a little tea party Sunday.

Those prepared sauces are good on a day when you want to focus your culinary energy on some other part of the meal!

Cap, good luck with your treatment.

Baked whole chicken seasoned to our liking at 420 degrees, while it rests, roast chopped onion, broccoli,and zucchini drizzled with olive oil, salt and pepper..Yummy!!

Sauté a couple of mushrooms in olive oil, place two salmon fillets skin down and cook on a high flame for three minutes. Add a bag of frozen asian veggies, or broccoli, or string beans. Cover and cook on a low flame for 5 minutes. Add a bit of soy ssuce, sesame oil and rice wine vinegar. Cook till fish is done.

when i was fresh out of the army at the age of 20 we used to hang out and drink beer at an elder german americans shack out in the hills. a friend of his had stored two complete butchered pigs in pop georges freezer with the instructions for pop to help himself to the pork on occasion. i used to drop frozen pork roasts into a skillet on the coleman stove and chip it up as it thawed. when all these chips were cooked i would melt pepper jack cheese down into the pile of chips and wed eat them as finger food. needless to say in three months there was nothing left in the freezer but a layer of frost. the moral of this story " moose " is ; dont say it if you dont mean it.. lol..
got the call today. next wednesday i have an appointment with va to start my hcv tx. according to wiki this tx has a 100 % success rate. oh those are so much better odds than 47 % minus the 24 % who dropped out for mental issues. if wiki is wrong, well , we'LL change that . lol

Mom's at sisters for dinner (yay) so I made a pepperoni roll and a sausage (hot) and pepper stromboli. I'll have a small piece of EACH with a salad, and will have leftovers for lunch and/or snacks, for a few days. Best part is eating alone in front of a NON blaring TV!

flour the ebelskivers and run over em with the truck one time. makes a great breaded fritter sandwich.

Avon this week: "Pancake Puff Pan" on sale, so I ordered it. Now I have to trap those little Ebelskivers and skin 'em for baking.

Today I'm making one of my favorite vegetable dishes. This can be a soup, or a side dish.

Steam, 1 small frozen bag each, broccoli, cauliflower and carrots in a pan with a little water until defrosted. Drain. Mix in casserole dish. Top with slices of american cheese. (I like Kraft, it's got the best flavor, imo) Mix a can of cream of mushroom and a can of cream of onion soup together with 2 cans of milk. Pour on top of vegetables and cheese. Cover dish with tinfoil and bake at 350 for about 20 minutes. Take the casserole out and take the tin foil off. Top casserole with french fried onions. Bake another 5-6 minutes. Enjoy! :D It's good with a little sour cream, too.

A lovely package of 3 heads of organic butter lettuce (Boston bib) inspired tonight's choice: Chicken lettuce wraps. I found a copy-cat recipe for PFChangs on the internet. Awesome.

I remembered that last time I needed it I was out of sesame oil, so I bought a bottle. Does anyone else feel odd about getting a full bottle of something in order to use 1/8th of teaspoon?! In this case I know I use this stuff periodically, or that bottle would be a lifetime supply -- my great-grandson's lifetime! :)

We had canned peaches and blueberries as a side dish. I love the very-light syrup jars of peaches from Costco.

tonights dinner will be whatever hubby is will to go out and get, LOL!! Maybe chinese, maybe a taquiera,,,or worse case will be jack n the crack!! A busy day so no time to cook.

yea stegman. better keep it on the backroads. i think your s**t would fly apart on the interstate.
i have to turn down lunch foods all the time when working for private homeowners. if id get my belly full id end up laying under a shade tree licking my n*ts..
im boiling chicken gizards again tonight. im of the belief that our body craves what it needs. my body says " get em more tender tonight a**hole " ..

roflmao @ Pstegman and Cap .. such great analogies!

I'm so very aware of the risks of eating poorly. I just ignore the rules sometimes and accept the consequences. Eating habits: people keep yammering at me that I must have breakfast, and the earlier the better. That oh, so, doesn't work for me. If I have anything to eat within the first 8 hours of waking, all I want to do is eat ALL day, and never feel satisfied. At that point, I typically have a small 'lunch' (like half a sandwich), and supper is about 4 hours before I go to bed, again. And my portion size is probably half of a typical meal served in a restaurant.

I think I mentioned it somewhere .. one of my fave meals is a baked potato with a veggie bin salad (made of whatever's in there) with my favorite dressing (I dip rather than pour it on, that way it's the first flavor I taste and uses less than a 1/3 of a normal dressing helping). Yum. Know what I'm having for supper tonight!

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