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psue - let me know how it goes. It was quite the experience. I'm motivated now to make a sticky dark dessert of some kind. I miss fruit cake. But not till I've taken off a few lbs as that will put it on.

bundle - a fave here too. Giving thanks daily helps the mood!

nacy - it's sad when a holiday becomes more of a chore than anything else. I remember those days. I've made some changes.

No Halloween here thankfully. I did it for years then the neighbourhood kids grew up and the numbers dwindled.

The other day I made the marrow curry and it was surprisingly good. R loves hot food. I added some chick peas (lentils would have been good too) to up the protein for a more complete meal. He had it with Naan bread and was impressed.

Last night we went to the dinner theatre for a Nashville show. The roast beef was the best I have had anywhere. Everything else was good too as usual and they even had a gluten and dairy free dessert! Nashville is not my most fave music but the show was good and the evening was a treat.

Tonight pan fried salmon and sauteed romaine lettuce. No sure what else.

I like Thanksgiving too, but for now I still get together at moms, and most of my kids go.

I let hubby stay home, no reason for us both to suffer, I'm to busy cooking and cleaning up to see him, and he knows mom doesn't like him. Lol Actually my ex goes also, sence him and my brother friends , but my hubby and ex are pretty much friends.

Anyways, step son the lives upstairs goes to his family on his mom side, so on Saturday I usually cook are Thanksgiving, for the 3 of us.

It seems to be for me a day to get through, other than having my kids under one roof at the same time, I wouldnt go.

Usually I make lasagna for home the day before, for me in hubby, for Thanksgiving supper.

peasuep, yes the traditional thanksgiving dinner. 🙂
what i love about thanksgiving is the "thanks". of course, we have all year to give thanks for various things, but i like that there's 1 day in the year dedicated to that.

Bundle, I need to get though Halloween first, lol . The forecast looks great. I suspect it's going to be crazy in my town, and I really enjoy it.

On average, we get about 150 kids, after I heard the weather, I went and got more candy.

cw - if you like gingerbread with lemon have you ever made Magenbrot? It doesn’t, traditionally, have ginger in it, but is a soft, sliced spice cookie with a thin lemon glaze. Easy to make and soooo delicious.

Golden - THANK YOU for that recipe link! I vow to try it this season and report back. Just the name Icky Sticky Toffee Pudding sounds like something I’ve been waiting my whole life for!

BOJ - Do you do the traditional Thanksgiving at your house?

Back when we were dating DH hosted Thanksgiving family dinner and did an Asian inspired turkey stuffing. It wasn’t bad but he was blacklisted from hosting thereafter. (Maybe that was his plan all along!)

Nacy - some kids are so sweet that way; sentimental. I miss so many Christmas things. Today I am missing our sparkly silver Christmas tree with the revolving color light projector thingy. I wouldn’t put one in my house (unless I could find a miniature - that would be fun!) but I miss it.

I love Shepherd’s pie. Haven’t made it in years. A girlfriend brought us one from Costco after one of DH’s heart incidents. It was really good but it took a week to get through it!

thanksgiving is coming up!!
i loooove thanksgiving!!

Golden, oh yeah, a Christmas family tradition in my family is those chocolate oranges, you smash and then it falls apart in cute little chocolate orange slices.

One year, I didn't get them for my kids, I just figured they were older now, well I didn't hear the end of it. 😂

Shepherds Pie. All made and in the fridge to put in the oven latter. I did cheat and used instant potatoes.

Oh and hahaha , the bunny cake, was supposed to say Bundt cake.

nacy - churning butter lol. Chocolate and orange go so well together!

Golden, during the pandemic, I was board, 😂 I made a chocolate bunny cake, with chocolate ganich, then candied oranges and put them on top. Oh.... It was so good.

Maybe will get another pandemic and I can do that again lol

My friend stopped in the other day, I was doing something, odd to her. She said next time she comes, I'll be churning butter. 😂

Psue - I'm with you and your relatives - Love sticky dense gingerbread, christmas pudding, and fruit cake. The toffee pudding is rich and dark with a caramel sauce and smothered in whipped cream. Here's a link to the recipe from the Udny Arms where I had it in Scotland. There are various versions.

I only had it the once but never forgot it, it was an experience!!!

cw - lemon sauce on gingerbread sounds lovely. We always had hard sauce on Christmas pudding which is so rich, then an aunt-in-law served her Christmas pudding with a lemon sauce and I was sold and used it from then on.

Latterly I made a steamed carrot pudding to serve at Christmas. It was lighter and still very tasty with all the spices,

R and I made a chocolate cake once and added a ground orange - peel and all - large extra amounts of spices and some cayenne. He likes to add cayenne to everything. It was awesome.

The orange idea came from a recipe I made as a teen of an orange and raisin cake where the orange was a ground up orange, peel and all. It was so moist and tasty.

psue - pie crusts. I used to make a good one but haven't made a pie in years with my gluten allergy. There's a Norwegian dessert with a short crust and almonds I may try with substitutes one day. Though she did make that dessert, Mother never made pies or bread so I had to learn on my own. Lots of fun!🥧

I have fond memories of the hot water gingerbread with a lemon sauce we learned to make when I was in 4-H, but with so many other delicious things to make that one never gets put on the list any more.

Golden, you’re making me drool. In my family the only ones who like the dark and spicy things are my mom, me, my DD and my GD, and we don’t just LIKE them, we ADORE them.
I think I’ve had a version of the Sticky Toffee Pudding and it was delicious but I would so love to try the real thing. Does it have nuts? Currants? I don’t believe the version I had was spicy, just gooey and dense. Mmmmmm.

My grandma’s pie fillings were her specialty, but her crusts were the butt of many a family joke.

Ah, gingerbread. The best gingerbread I have ever eaten was made by a friend's grandmother when I was in Scotland - dark, moist, rich, sliced and served with unsalted butter. Sounds somewhat like your  Gramercy Park Gingerbread, psue, which I am sure is great!!!

Friend's mother made gingerbread too. They both were great cooks, but to me grandma's gingerbread was the best. Though I think I still have the recipe, I never tried it when I got back to Canada as the ingredients aren't quite the same here.

My English aunt made wonderful light sponge cakes and I brought the recipe back and tried it, but it didn't work. 😕 It was edible but nothing like her cakes.

Anyone had Icky Sticky Toffee Pudding - smothered in whipped cream and so warming on a cold Aberdeen evening. It's heart attack stuff, but oh, so good!!! Once in a lifetime is enough. 😋

nacy - I'm not a honey fan either. I actually don't like the taste and it's much too sweet.

Nacy, nothing is better than honey on plain Greek yogurt.
Oooh, make baklava!

It’s gingerbread time!!!!! Tomorrow I shall bake a Gramercy Park Gingerbread Bundt cake with Guiness stout, give it a day to mellow, and take it down the hill to mom for her birthday with some whipped heavy cream.

Tonight, pizza with out of state, visiting family. Easy to serve; easy to clean up; everyone likes it.

(Peanut butter cookies are my favorite)

Honey is as expensive as gold and lasts forever (literally), I can't imagine having a problem figuring out how to use it. Growing up I had an aunt and uncle who kept bees, we used to buy it by the pail.

I've seen that recipe, tried it once but it was gritty , from the sugar. This was a long time ago.

I've got a bunch of honey, I didn't know what to do with, hubby doesn't like honey.

But I'm definitely going to do that soon.


I use for a base the old keto 3 ingredient pb cookie recipe - 1c soft pb, 1 egg, and something to sweeten - to taste. I put a little swerve in. I add lots of cinnamon b/c R likes it and it's healthy. Then you can add other things as you like. You could use anything to sweeten - maple syrup, honey, or an artificial sweetener.

I should add I eat a little meat, and legumes. Peanuts are a legume.

Golden, I love peanut butter cookies, and I like the protein I get from peanut butter.

Do you use a healthy recipe?

Too bad, cw! Were they in the fridge?

Last night air fried drumsticks, stuffing, gravy, left over mashed potatoes "fried" to get a crust and topped with some cheese, cabbage fritters n sour cream. R is working outside these days in the cool weather checking fences and relocating horses so he needs good solid food.

I seem to be subsisting mainly on nuts these day. They don't upset my guts. I do eat a few raw veggies as well and some corn/corn products. Whatever works!!!

Time to make more peanut butter cookies. I think I can add cranberries, coconut flakes and more to make some variety and be good for R to take with him for healthy snacks. I make up trail mix and keep the sugar level down.

Willie, Oh, I hate that, but then it makes wonder how store bought breads and pastries, don't mold.

Then you realize why we are all getting cancer and stuff.

I just went to eat one of the pumpkin muffins I made a few days ago and they're mouldy, every last one 😭

Nice to have you back, Peasuep!!

Sounds like a good dinner!!

Oooh I’ve missed so much in my prehistoric week of no internet!

Glad to be back! Tonight - stuffed cabbage. And for dessert, vanilla ice cream with DD’s fig leaf syrup drizzled on top; so good but it’s too cold for frozen dessert.

I love all kinds of squash but I had to look up fairy squash, sounds yummy!

Someone gave me a fairy squash, that's what she called it anyways. Going to cook it when this warm spell we are having, is pass.
Never heard of it, or a canary melon. But they sound good.

Pizza, ordered out. Busy few days!!

Those Greek dishes sound so good!!!

R brought home a large green squash from the farmer's market, which is where he got the delicious canary melon. Best melon I have ever eaten.

What do I do with it? I think it is also called a marrow. I had those stuffed with a meat mixture on the UK years ago.

Leaning towards making a curry with it. I don't think it is one I can eat much of anyway (like 1/4 cup), so I can make it hot for R.

Thank you for reminding me of that dish. Pastichio is well known along with Moussaka. I don't use eggplant when I make it but slice zucchini very thinly instead. I don't like the heaviness of the eggplant being fried first.

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