At Home Helpers, we specialize in providing comprehensive home care for seniors and individuals needing recuperative and continuing assistance. Home Helpers also offers Direct Link, its proprietary line of 24/7 medical alert systems, including a fall sensor with GPS locator and an automated medication dispenser. Home Helpers of McKinney serves Allen, McKinney and Fairview.
Caring for a loved one – or two loved ones, like we do – is stressful and, although it’s rewarding and important, it also puts a strain on the family.
Home Helpers of McKinney offers free in-home consultations and works with each client to create a flexible, affordable care plan based on a person’s individual needs. With Home Helpers, each individual client receives services tailored to meet their specific needs by caregivers who become an extension of their family. Home Helpers’ full-range of home care services empower clients to live healthier and more rewarding lives in the privacy, safety and comfort of their own homes.
At Home Helpers, we want to be your extended family and we can help with everything from full-time care to family respite care a few hours a week.