If you’ve been searching for a home care agency for your care or your loved one’s care, then you know there is a sea of sameness in the dozens of home care choices, making it difficult to actually choose one. And we know that can be frustrating. When in need, many people search for personal, high quality care for themselves or their loved ones. At SYNERGY HomeCare of Conroe, Texas, we are here to give you and your family the type of care you have been looking for. Our office staff and caregivers provide excellent non-medical home care to residents of Anderson, Grimes, Harris, Leon, Liberty, Madison, Montgomery, Polk, San Jacinto, Trinity, Walker and Washington Counties. SYNERGY HomeCare enables you to live freely and comfortably. When you choose SYNERGY HomeCare, you no longer need to worry about your loved one with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. You can relax and heal after surgery or medical treatments. You can trust our caregivers with your child with special needs. You can maintain your independence and lifestyle as you age. SYNERGY HomeCare of Conroe is proud to share we have been awarded the “Best of Home Care” recognition for Leader in Experience, Provider of Choice and Employer of Choice Awards.
Life is in constant motion. From the time we smile our first smile, ride our first bike, find our first home or embrace our first grandchild, it just keeps moving. And a moving life is a full one. But sometimes, life can take a turn that slows us down, or even stops us in our tracks. That’s where SYNERGY HomeCare comes in. To keep the basic needs of your life effortlessly moving forward. So you can focus on what moves you and get the most out of every day.