Life moves in one direction – forward. No matter what each person’s circumstances are, SYNERGY HomeCare steps in with effective, comforting, life-affirming care that moves people, and their loved ones, emotionally and physically forward. From personal assistance and companionship to live-in and end-of-life comfort care, we provide the extra help needed to propel everyone safely and confidently to their fullest potential.
Upon retirement, many senior citizens arrange their relocation to beautiful, serene places where they can live in comfort. Wyoming is one of the most popular areas where older family members retire and buy homes. SYNERGY HomeCare is here to provide non-medical in-home relief to your senior family members when they are experiencing the challenges of aging, recuperating from an involved medical procedure, suffering from decreasing mental acuity, or are simply in need of another set of hands to help. Whether you live in the Sheridan area or are settled in another state, we know that you share a close bond with your parent, grandparent, or other loved one and are constantly worried about their welfare. SYNERGY HomeCare can help you and your family cope with the transition of your family member into home care services, and provide skilled, compassionate care to your loved one in need.