My mother in law who has Alzheimer’s moved in recently and I am completely overwhelmed. Apart from Alzheimer’s she is going blind and always needs something or something always hurts that we constantly have to take her to the hospital. My husband asked me before she moved in about what I thought and to be honest. Well before I could even answer he put a guilt trip on me that he “would do it for my parents”. I didn’t say anything. She is in the living room all day so I don’t hang out there anymore. I can’t opinion because he gets hurt and will always put guilt trips on me about my parents like “well what would you do!?” “I would be happy if your parents were here”Im Hispanic and we have that mentality that if we don’t take care of our parents we are failures as kids. My parents are still young and I’m not planning on moving them in the near future. I doubt that would ever happen either because they live in another state and I have siblings who live there. My husband has siblings but they could care less for her. Today he is hurt with me and not talking with me because I said that I said that I like my privacy. Right away he asks “what your privacy was taken away or what”?I seriously can’t say anything because he will get hurt or we end up in a fight. please give me advice.
Find Care & Housing
You tried it.
It's not working.
A new plan is needed.

Keep calm. Find a good time to speak to your Husband alone. Out of the house if possible.

Side step the 'your parents - my parents' guilt talk.
Focus on his Mother's care needs.

Use facts eg Alzheimer's Disease is progressive & life-limiting. Focus on safety & wellbeing - for ALL of you. The care plan must work for ALL of you - right now it is not.

First step is for him to hear you.
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Reply to Beatty

If your parents are still young, you are also still young. From the sound of it, you are not working, at least not outside the home, so you are with MIL a lot of the time. You are bearing the brunt of this, not DH. If your parents did move in, you would still be the one caring, not DH. He has no idea what this is like for you.

You think you “seriously can’t say anything because he will get hurt or we end up in a fight”. This is not a problem that can be solved without both of you getting upset. There is no magic wand that will change his head set with no pain to either of you. You need to accept that. Look for the best way to deal, but there is no way without an argument. He needs to know that cultures are changing all over the world, and if he is in the USA he has to think again about ‘Hispanic’. Spain is a modern European country, part of the EU, and I very much doubt if parent care is universally on the menu there.

See if you can dream up a reason to go away for 2 weeks. Get him to apply for ‘family leave’, or whatever it is called locally. Let him do the care for that time. If he hires carers, that is an option for you too. He needs to know what this is really like. Another option is for you to get a job that takes you out of the house. DH needs to work out what happens with all those trips to the hospital etc – there is no reason for you to do it if you are both working.

"I do not want to live with your parents" is a useful line to keep repeating. No 'because'. Just the simple fact.

By the way, she “always needs something or something always hurts that we constantly have to take her to the hospital” sounds like the start of bad bad bad behavior. Give her a thorough health work out, and then ignore the ‘hurts’. Many of us have hurts (I do myself), she needs to toughen up.
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Reply to MargaretMcKen

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