
asked to periodically care for a Alzheimer's person. I know the basics, I am a compassionate and caring person but I'm not with this person daily thus uncertain how to deal respectively with toileting, incontinence issues, bathing etc.

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You will need special training for dealing with incontinence. Patients resist help sometimes, especially when they feel their privacy is being violated. Know how to handle that. You should be aware of how to turn them in bed so you can get the briefs on and off, You should understand the different products available. You should know and understand skin care so she won’t get sores that get infected due to inadequate care.

Hands-on care for such a person isn’t for amateurs.
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Reply to Fawnby
MargaretMcKen Dec 24, 2024
Unfortunately many many of us 'amateurs' have to deal with it. Other answers suggest how to 'train yourself'.
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Hi, there. If you use the Search feature in the upper right corner of the screen and type in these search terms independently, you'll find many first-hand perspectives on what you're asking about.

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There are different ways to ask a question on this site, but the more detailed the question, the more relevant the answers will be to your situation.
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Reply to AliBoBali

You are being asked to care for an Alzheimer's patient by WHOM?
Is this a paid position? Have you experience of any kind?

I think you should look up some basic things online. Remember the internet is your friend and can teach you just about anything regarding anything; that includes incontinence care for seniors.

incontinence care for the elderly education - Search Videos
will bring you some nifty youtube how to videos.
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Reply to AlvaDeer

What do you mean by "deal with"? What challenges are happening?
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Reply to Geaton777

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