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YES you are being taken advantage of.

Give the family 2 weeks notice to place Grandma, or hire 24/7 caregivers.
Don't waste the prime of your lives in caregiver slavery.

I'd move back to my old town too. Lesson learned.
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to Dawn88

Yes, you’re definitely being taken advantage of, and in your shoes, I’d move out and the siblings figure out their next plan for grandma. It’s really disgusting how you’ve been treated. I hope you’ll expect better for yourself in the future
Helpful Answer (7)
Reply to Daughterof1930

Yep. 💯. Similar experience happened to me.
Family asked me to help aunt. I live out of state. No kids/Family. I did what I could, but they kind of expected me to move in with aunt and take care of her.
Mind you, the money I was spending to clean the house (incontinence) and feed her and run her to appointments, while they (family who live closer)did nothing. I mean nothing.
After I had taken my aunt to an appointment, she had a follow up appointment she needed to go to later that week. Well, I had to get back to my home and work, so I told my cousin that she had this appointment. My cousin says she has to work and can I stay longer to take aunt. I flat out refused and went home.
The more we do, the more people will attempt to get over. Mind you, I wasn't getting paid anything, either, and like you, I didn't enjoy being around my aunt with the yelling and being unable to calm her down for HOURS. YES. I SAID HOURS.
If you can, I suggest leaving and getting your life back.
I asked this very same question on this forum last year. I know what you're going through.
Also, aunt refuses to speak to me and says she's written me out of her will. I honestly do not care, so long as I have my freedom and health.
Helpful Answer (11)
Reply to Tiredniece23

Yes you are being taken advantage of. It reminds me of the book Flowers in the Attic where the mother lives this life of luxury and her children are confined to the attic and treated terribly. The only difference is you don't live in the attic.

Shame on your selfish mother for going to a dinner party and expecting you to resume your indentured servitude to your grandmother as soon as you got back home from the hospital. It does seem to be a theme for you to give and give to others while setting yourself on fire in the process.

You should be getting paid via a contract to take care of grandma, this means you work 8 hours a day 5 days a week with 2 days off and her adult children need to hire 2 more caregivers to cover the other 8 hour shifts. This is if you want to stay in your self imposed slavery and ruin what is left of your health by doing the job of 3 people for free.

Better yet is for you to give your emancipation papers to your mother and the rest of the sorry lot of adults who thought this was a good idea and set a date when you will be moving out and they will need to find caregivers to take care of their mother or place her in a facility. This is 100% what you should do. And please only give them 30 days notice - no longer than that because they will come up with every excuse in the book to get you to continue this insanity. They don't care about you or your health and well being.
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to anonymous1768885

Many a well-meaning adult child (or grandchild) has done what you have, having no idea what they were getting into. That's all in the past now, so time to move forward through it.

You say Grandma was an awful person. You say she has financial means. You say you have financial means. You say you are mostly burned out or tired of working for her for free. Totally reasonable.

Is anyone her PoA? This would be an important piece of info to know. Whoever is her PoA needs to activate the authority per the PoA document (based upon Grandma having later-stage ALZ). Then this is the person making the caregiving decision and you can exit no matter if it disappoints them or not.

If no one is her PoA then you (or someone else) can consider pursuing legal guardianship for her, and then you can manage her affairs, transition her into a facility for proper care, etc.

Or, inform your Mom and Aunts that you and wife are 100% done with the caregiving because you don't want to do it anymore. The move-out date is XX and no further discussion or negotiation. You will involve APS since your Mom is not really the solution, either. APS may result in Grandma getting a court-appointed legal guardian, so no more family involvement and Grandma gets the appropriate care she needs. You just have to be able to accept this type of solution.

I wish you clarity, wisdom and peace in your heart as you back out of this arrangement.
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to Geaton777

Yes, you are being taken advantage of big time.

Give mom your 2 weeks notice and get back to your own lives, you deserve to.

Grandma needs to be in Memory Care Assisted Living and everyone knows that. But her children, to save their "inheritance", figured they'd snooker you into doing the awful job for free and then tell you how Lucky you are for getting free rent in a dump. The going rate for caregivers is $30 per hour.

Bravo to you for donating your kidney to your best friend! You did an amazing thing and I hope you're paid back in many blessings moving forward.

Best of luck to you.
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to lealonnie1
anonymous1768885 Sep 2, 2024
Hopefully his donating a kidney doesn't come back to bite him in the behind and his one remaining kidney stays well and fully functioning.
See 2 more replies
Generally if someone asks if they are being taken advantage of they are and they know it.
Maybe you want validation that you are.
First I am surprised if you are on disability that they would allow you to donate a kidney and that you would considering the trauma you have been through but that is not what your post is about....
1. You and your wife should be getting paid to care for grandma.
2. If you are done caring for grandma let the rest of the family know that other arrangements have to be made and that you are going to move on.....and give them a date.
several things could happen.
1. Grandma's house and land can be sold to provide her with care in a MC facility.
2.Caregivers can be hired to come in and care for grandma if the land is sold and she retains the house.
3.Some other family member can come in and do what you have been doing.

Do not assume for 1 minute that you will get any inheritance. If family has not stepped up to help you at this juncture I think they have all mentally spent their inheritance and are just waiting ...
You and your wife need to do what you need to do to further your life and make the best for yourselves.
Helpful Answer (12)
Reply to Grandma1954

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