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Ben Asked May 2008

I feel like I am burning out. Are there local caregiver support goups?

I am a 61 year old divorced male. I moved to Fla to be close to my family about a year ago. When I arrived in Fla in Feb of 2007 my Mother was in the hospital and passed away in March. I have been living with and caring for my 87 year old Father who has a host of problems. CHF, Macular degeneration, hard of hearing. His is very alert and his mind is sharper than mine (LOL). He suffers from depression on the loss of my Mother but we muddle through each day. I find myself very angry with the rest of the world and everything seams to upset me and I have no patience. I love my Father dearly and we have grown very close in the past year but I feel like I am burning out. Is there a support group that meets any where in the Delray Beach area? Please help. Ben

Decor426 May 2008
Dear Ben,
My Dad has the same issues as yours he is 94, my family has lived with him and my Mom for 6 years. I have to do all the driving because neiter of them can.
There is not much to stimulate them when they can't see or hear well. I have the toughest time with meals for Dad because we can't seem to get his dentures to stay in. He is in alot of pain and has foot trouble, his nerves are shot. He talks about dying everyday.
Take comfort in knowing you are not alone, we share everything here of our day to day trials.
Could you get a small pet for Dad? I just brought home two kittens and that perked him up.
Hope to hear from you. Judy

AgingCareEditor May 2008
Ben, Check with your local Area on Aging, which you can find in the phone book. This agency is a wealth of information on support groups, resources for caregivers and much more.

Hang in there! You are not alone. Caregiving is a tough job, for no pay, but it can be rewarding as well. I invite you to scan through the site, particularly the Inspiration section, found under the Caregivers orange tab at the top of the site. Hopefully, you'll find some articles to which you can relate.

In addition, go through some of the posts in the community section. You will quickly see that you have an online support network right here on



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