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shelley Asked August 2008

Dementia or Alzheimer's?

what is the difference between dementia and alzheimers? i'm having a hard time finding that on any webpage. help! thanks.

EXPERT Carol Bradley Bursack, CDSGF Nov 2008
She is afraid and that is part of what makes her act the way she does. Is she being seen by a doctor? Sometimes medications can help. But agreeing with her whenever possible, rather than arguing is usually a good choice.

mominthemiddle Sep 2008
Hi Shelley: While I am no professional, what has been explained to me is that when a person has dementia, their mind may be confused, they forget, can become agitated, etc., but that they will have the ability to feed themselves, walk, etc. With Alzhiemers, it comes in stages. You become forgetful, then you'll eventually get to the point that you can not walk, can not feed yourself, can not swallow, talk - Alzhiemer's will eventually affect every organ in your body shutting them down. Like I said, I'm not in the medical field, but my mom has Alzhiemer's & so far from reading about it, every stage has been true to her (unfortunately). Hope this helps in some way.


Eunice Sep 2008
Hello. My husband has Alzheimers and has had it for at lest 12 years that I know of. I had him in day care for a while but had to make the awful decision to place him in a facility.According to all my research and articles that I have read I believe he is now at Stage 6. I took him out of that facility after 4 days because he had not had his teeth brushed, shaved, bathed or showered in 4 days and in fact the clothes he was wearing were the same ones that he had on when he arrived at the facility and they were filthy. I then placed him in an assisted living facility with a lock down unit where he did well for a little while but then became physically abusive to other residents and staff. The facility admittted him to the hospital for evaluation and medicinal management. He went back to that facility and again became abusive and was sent back to the hospital.That facility refused to accept him back. I placed him in another assisted facility where he was there for 5 days and the same thing occurred. He is presently in the hospital again. Needless to say i really don't know if the facility will accept him back again or even how much longer I can keep him there due to finances. It is very expensive and my resources will soon be depleted. Someone called me today and said hospice might be anenue to explore. My question is does anyone know if indeed hospice can help with placement and expenses?

DaughterJ Sep 2008
Hi Shelly, Dementia itself is not a disease, rather it is a set of symptoms (confusion, memory loss, problems with language, etc) brought about by certain diseases. The leading disease being Alzheimer's disease. Other diseases include vascular, Parkinsons, Lewy Body, Down's syndrome, alcoholism, and so on. Dementia is an impairment of thinking and memory severe enough to interfere with daily life. So, regardless of the disease resulting in dementia, anyone with an irreversible dementia will likely lose their ability to manage personal care. A good resource for all things dementia is the Alzheimer's Association, which you can find at

Eunice, Is your husband a wartime veteran? If so, he might be eligible for an long-term care entitlement known as "aid and attendance" which may cover a portion of his care/medication expenses. You might be able to find out more about this benefit through a counselor at the Alz Assoc, an elderlaw attorney, or possibly the county offices or an area agency on aging in your community. A professional geriatric care manager may be able to help you in finding placement for your husband. Ask the hospital discharge planner or continuing care manager for some assistance with your next step.

Hope this helps.

Eunice Sep 2008
Thank you for your input but I have already contacted the Veterans and was told that we would not qualify due to assets.

Cat Sep 2008
Hi Daughter J -

actually not all dementias follow the path you described. While some do, my experience is that with proper nutrition, socialization, lots of controlled stimulation and exercise the dementia does not progress like Alz. It is important to monitor for UTI's and any other health issue like dental problems - those two also seem to make the dementia more pronounced.

I am weighing in on this because caregivers need to be given the information that will empower them, and that they can make a real difference by monitoring these different areas. How many caregivers have learned that dementia is a blanket diagonosis and each individual is different. Eunice - it may not be easy but do know that you may have options and don't give up if you really want to continue.

My mother with dementia is still going strong after surprising many doctors - she still loves people, music and has her sense of humour....frankly I am grateful every day for all of the information out there on the internet and support like this site.

take care, be well. I's not easty but its worth it if you are up to the challenge. You can find info on and - - as well as many links to gerontology sites. A very good exercise program is entitled - Sit N' Be Fit - - you can find it on PBS stations or on the web -

shelley Oct 2008
thank you all for your comments and knowledge. it is a most frustrating and heartbreaking condition. my dad seems very happy and jokes a lot like usual. he just has no short term memory and some of his motor skills are slipping but that could also be age and lack of exercise....been trying the nutrition info and spending time just getting him out and walking. took him to the doctor today for a torn rotator cuff and she suggested this book, The 36-Hour Day: A Family Guide to Caring for People with Alzheimer Disease, Other Dementias, and Memory Loss in Later Life, 4th Edition for our family. she also advised us to not allow him to drive anymore because of his confusion and consequent anxiety. that will be hard on him because he defines his existence on being able to drive my mom wherever she wants to go and running errands. i really hate this......

queenie0327 Nov 2008
I need to know how to clam a lady down when she gets so mean and hurtful she has dementia.thanks queenie0327

Grandbaby Nov 2008
I am a grandaughter of a strong woman. I don't know for sure if it is alzheimers. I know that she is very loved and it will take the will of GOD to get her to move out of her home and into another's person house. I am so grateful that is she my grandmother and I surely hope that this disease progress very SLOWLY. I don't know if it is for myself or hers. I just know I will try to move heaven and earth to honor her wishes and spare no feeling for anyone trying take advantage of her memory lost. I bought the book 36 hour day, and I am impressed. I am in the medical field, but nothing prepare you for your love one illness.

Cat Nov 2008
gee, what happened to my post?

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