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bg Asked October 2008

I'm caring for my mother with cancer at home and my siblings advice is not helpful. Where can I find support?

I have an 88 yr old month w/breast cancer I care for at home .I would like to know if there are any caregiver group for myself that I can get involved in. I live in Squirrel Hill and it impossible for me in evenings to go meetings since my mother can't be left alone.
Please direct me, if you can to someone that can help me with some family issues.

MrEldercare Oct 2008
These might help.

A listing of cancer patient support groups at Univ of Pittsburgh Medical Center Cancer Centers-

One from PA Breast Cancer Awareness Coalition-

If you or your mom are members of a church or synagogue, contact the senior minister there. Often you can find just what you are looking for there. If you are not a member, find the biggest house of worship in your area and call their senior ministry. Most are happy to point you in the right direction.

Since your care responsibilities might prevent you from attending an evening meeting, see if you can find one that meets earlier in the day. Finally, check out some of the online caregiving support groups. You can hook up with caregivers facing the same issues you have any time night or day without having to put on any makeup or leaving your home. I'm sure you can find others, too. Best of luck.

topaz Oct 2008
You need to look for local support groups Ask your doctor. Ask the American Cancer Society. They may even offer grants for respit. Contact the Red Cross they do have grants for respite. You can register with the NFCA. Next month which is Caregivers month. There will be a teleclass. Some states have more help than ever. You can also contact social security and the department of social services. They maybe able to direct you to services you need. I hope this helps.



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