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195Austin Asked May 2009

What are the keys to finding a good nursing home?

I found out yesterday you can find state inspection results om line just type in the name of the nursing home and it will come up- I found out the two areas this nursing home failed in- this can be helpful to someone looking for the best nursing home.

195Austin May 2009
MICHELE I hope things go better for you when you have your meeting I hope there is so one on your side at the meeting I was glad my son was there at ours to hear also what they were saying-I went to the board of health for our state and the problem was sweep under the rug. I did get help from medicare at one time they held up my husbands discharge from a hospital when I felt he was being rushed out from there. For placement if it happens I will use a nursing home close to where we live just so I and my son can go in often and I do not sign in because many of them will call the floor to tell them you are comming up to the floor and will make sure everything is alright. My best to you.

Micheleangel May 2009
Hi Austin, No I didn't report to Ombudsman but we did everything else including talking to people high up in Harrisburgh about all these horrible issues and not one person helped us!!!! I never got even a letter of apology. We had meeitngs with the Administrators and social workers in this place you wouldn't believe what we went through, it's reallly so sad that we have to deal with this crap. I have him in a different nursing home now for another broken hip. It seems a bit better where he is but I still have to get him out and hopefully into an assisted living place again. Tomorrow is our big meeting and we'll see how everything goes, thanks for asking I appreciate it I'll keep you all posted, take care, Michele


anonymous1741 May 2009
Austin, has a tool to find nursing homes in your area. Visit this link to go there or go to the top of this site and click "Find Care" on the orange navigation bar.

I hope this helps!

195Austin May 2009
Actually this nursing home was very bad on two things bed sores and the spread of infections and I am sure that is why they are getting inspected again this year usually it is every three years unless they fail the inspection then it has to be done the following year. My husband is in a hospital near the nursing home and he is on full precautions because he has a history of MRSA and has no open or draining wounds most hospitals do not do that unless the pt. has active MRSA so I was impressed. Micheleangel did you report the nursing home to the ombudsmen the concerns you have they are suppose to help the family-I called them but the office was closed and will follow up on Mon. to report that the husband has had to go to the hospital three times for dehydration in the last few weeks and was admitted twice and have already paid $500.00 for a bed hold and will get another bill for at least $750.00 and it has been there fault because he had no water to drink and passed our from dehydration.

Micheleangel May 2009
Hello, Just thought I'd let you all know something: I believe its' that gives you the "star rating system" Well don't believe all you read!!! My Dad was iin the Nursing Home from Hell and the star rating was pretty good, unbelievable!!! Didn't mean to be a bummer but that's just how it is sometimes, Peace to you Michele

195Austin May 2009
I am so glad you added this feature of starting a new discussion or asking a question.


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