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myweb1921 Asked November 2009

I'm an elder, how can I get help and still live in my home?

iam nearly 89 live alone but find it difficult to drive and get groceries and other necessities. all my children live too far away to help. totally alone.

NANCE Nov 2009
Myweb--Good for you, I admire your spunk !
I live in a senior apartment complex and a lot of the people here have someone come in once a week to clean, do laundry. They either shop for them or take them.
Look into something like that and good luck.

mariaCT Nov 2009
Have you looked into Companion care ? There are companies that offer non-medical care, companions, to come to your home as much as you need them. They can take you to the grocery store or go get your groceries, strip your bed and do your laundry, make meals and keep up the house. You could start with one or two visits of maybe 3 hours each per week, try it and see if it helps. The main thing is you should not be doing things which could cause you to fall or be injured because it can change your life. A few hours of in-home care each week should cost you less than assisted living. You need to be sure you're as safe as can be.
Best wishes and you are msart for looking at all the alternatives.


txcatlover Nov 2009
I admire and respect you for realizing you need help.

Have you considered independent living facilities? In Texas, one of the big differences between assisted living & independent living is that an independent living facility does not require you to socialize or have your meals with others.

They typically provide once per week cleaning of your apt. or room, transportation to doctors, pharmacy & grocery, but you are free to stay in your apt. as you wish and only join in whatever meals or activities you wish.

myweb1921 Nov 2009
I dont think I could ever be happy in assissted living. I've lived a life mostly in seclusion and am not the joiner type. I love computing and reading . I do miss being able to go shopping but find it difficult to go out alone. I just need some help in cleaning and keeping up the household. at almost 89 it is getting harder physically to do it.

Rosie03 Nov 2009
It seems you'd be better off in 'assisted living.' I've watched my mother, my aunt, and my parents in law all grow older and totally believe they don't need any help and even if they realize it, hate to give up their homes and independence. However, none of my relatives realized what you do. I used to work for a major Grocery store chain and they would make home deliveries to elderly people. Also, some drug stores do. It's possible you can qualify for home health care. Do consider assisted living. I know people who do it and they are happy they did. Good luck.


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