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pamela6148 Asked December 2009

How do I get rid of the caregiver my mom likes?

What do you do when you loved one has formed a bond with their care giver however you never quite care for them yourself. My moms care giver talks too much and is always butting in our business. I've tried to bring someone else in but my mom doesn't like anyone else. Please help with this one. I've talked to the agency and got someone from another agency who is familiar with this same care giver and they say they had to stop assigning her because of people complaining about the same things I am.

pamela6148 Mar 2010
Hi everyone thought I'd tell you about this funny little story that happened Tuesday.

Went to moms house to pay the man who pulls weeds for her. He comes every so often, more less than more now a days. Anyway I went over to take mom the money for him. Mom asked me to pay him, no problem he's been cleaning out her back yard for about 4 years now. He and I talk all the time and he can't figure out why sister and her family don't do anything to assist mom with her wonderful back yard. I already know the answer LAZY!

Upon arriving mom was in her bed and after I'd been there a while, (while the "help" was in the living room watching the other television) mom wanted to go outside to take a look at the garden. Now I didn't mind taking her outside but I only came over to leave the money for the man, not to stay and work. My sonz and I had made plans.

When I got mom up from the bed, her gown was soaked, which had seeped through to the bed. Needless to say I was angry. I marched right into the living room and told the "help" of the events. She said she kept asking my mom if she needed to sit on the pot or if she'd pee'd. I asked her "did you ask her that before or after you turned on the T.V.?" She said she was sorry, and that she is always attentive. I beg to differ but anytime my mom is soaked clear through to the sheet, that is not my definition of attentiveness.

My mom told me not to say anything because the "help" would tell sis. I told mom that sis needs to know herself how soaked mom was. I then told the "help" that I didn't care who she tells, or what she tells her but when I see something out of line it is my place to speak up for my mother. She kept trying to apologize but I'd said what I needed to say and was done with it.

Unfortunately, as I said earlier, it was not my intention to stay at moms house or do any work in the backyard as my sonz and I had plans. Mom kept asking me to stay, but I would not. I did not feel guilty because I've been spending quality time with her gardening.

OK today I go over to taker her some Aveno, which she asked me to pick up. I park a couple houses back and walk up to the front door. Guess what NO T.V. ON THIS TIME. I walked in, went to moms room and there they were, both of them. Oh yeah you best believe that I touched that T.V. to see if it was hold. Nope cold as ice.

I didn't ask my mom what happened about the incident but mom said that I need to be nice to the "help" because she takes good care of her. I reminded my mom that being wet doesn't mean she's being well taken care of and no matter what she says or sis says that I am my own person, and I fear no evil. If I need to say it, it shall be said.

Now mom wanted to to do some more work in the garden today however that was not the reason I went there. I went to take the aveno and that was what I did. I had to refuse to do the work. Then I swear while outside she asked me to go to Jack in the box for her, I said no. Can you believe I get her back in the living room and she says the same darn thing right in front of the "help"....would you go get me the 3 sirloin burger special from Jack in the box. Now I'd already refused to do this xtra work, now I got to go to Jack in the box. OK so I go and they're super busy. I'm in there 20 minutes. I get the darn burgers, run them back by the house, and high tail it out of there. I'm sure the "help" would have loved to tell sis "your sister refused to even go get your mother something to eat". OK so yesterday I took a step forward, and today I took a step backward.

Moral of this story, my phone will not be answered for the next 3 days.

littlelamb Mar 2010
Pamela, I think it's a good thing your mom has you looking out for her best interests. The nanny cam will watch her when you can't. Trust your instincts, and if something doesn't feel right, it probably isn't. A vulnerable elder can't always discern what is wrong, or adequately voice her concerns and frustrations. You have to help her with that. Asking, "What's the thing you like least/most...?" questions may uncover some things.

It's kind of sweet you spent part of your birthday with the one who gave you birth! Hope it will be a precious memory. Happy Birthday to you.


195Austin Mar 2010
Pam stick to your guns do not get sucked back in to all that-I hope things get easier for you you deserve peace and to be able to do what you want my dear.

deefer12 Mar 2010
I have been very lucky to have gained a good friend in Mom's helper. She worked in the nursing home where Mom stayed for a few weeks last summer. Her position was cut before Mom returned home. I met her in the grocery store and she asked how Mom was doing. She then told me if I needed help, to give her a call, as she no longer had a job.
Mom was such a handful when I got her home, that I called this woman who is a CNA, and she has been helping me for over 6 months now. She has become a good friend and is always professional. She is being paid $8/ hour by me. Mom's long term care insurance is about to kick in, and there is enough cash to be able to pay a more worthy wage for all her help.
I consider myself very lucky to have found this person who is so caring and willing to listen to me vent. She is only here 16 hours a week, as that is all I can afford, but will soon be helping out more. Pamela, you are right to distrust your mom's help. She is definitely unprofessional, and taking advantage! You should give her the boot, and just tell your mom she can't work for her anymore, and that you have found her someone else. She'll may even find she likes the new help better. Didn't you say she can't even watch her own TV when the help is there? Good luck!

pamela6148 Mar 2010
I'm going to purchase a nanny cam! My mom told me today that sister told her that we shouldn't talk about the "help" because she'd been to nice to my mom. I told my mom that at 90 years old she's earned the right to say exactly what she wants to say.

In my mind what is happening is sis and the "help" are trying to set up my mom so that she will be beholding to them, in other words whatever is done, will be alright. That just don't sit well with me so rather than send the email, I think I'll just get that darn nanny cam and do my own investigation.

I got sucked in today, of all days on my Birthday. Went over working in the garden, next thing you know the "help" says she's leaving at noon. I'm sitting there like what you mean I have to spend my Birthday here, OK. Well I'd bought a cake and cider and me and mom ate cake outside in the garden along with the guy who helps out in the back yard. We also ate fried catfish and oysters, um um good. I got home in time to spend time with my sonz though and that was great.

I'm gonna watch out though after this sunday which I'll be there as sister's daughter has a tournament, (always the excuse to leave). My priest is also coming by to give mom communion and we always have a blast. Academy Awards come on so I'm gonna do my best to have her completely taken care of so I can watch the show but I'm sure I'll still have to do a lot. Comb my hiar, put carmex on my lips, rib my neck, but my knee, check to see if the front door is closed I'm cold, check the heater make sure it's on 90...........90.....what.........and so on, and so on, and so on.

Did you ever have a show and tell. It's like a T.V. with projection. I remember the movie Heidi and the song from it went like this:

[Heidi, Heidi, do this, do that, don't be silly, don't be stupid, there's no time for fun. ]

Anyone ever have one of those as a child?

SecretSister Mar 2010
Pamela, that is the coolest flower. And yes, we love you!

Lovingdaughter has been a long time supporter. Thank you, friend. How goes all for you? Haven't seen one of your lovely posts for a while? Nice to see you here. Love you, too!

lovingdaughter Mar 2010
If you can get rid of her, do so. Trust your gut and go with it. I have a wonderful woman, but it too me a long time to find her, 3 1/2 years. I have had other good help, but some really bad ones. Love the picture idea. Listen to Secret sister. She is very wise and has been through what we have.

SecretSister Mar 2010
O, Pamela. Your mom sounds like quite the...I cannot find the word. Sounds like you need to trust your deepest instincts. I like your photograph idea! You're a brilliant one. The worker really won't like you, then. 2 days? Without pay? NOT!!! Let your sister deal with mom. You did your time, and all they did was complain, remember? Not a good idea to get pulled back into the loop; at least NOT like that! ~my 2 cents.

pamela6148 Mar 2010
Well here we go again, except this time I'm not researching.

Yesterday while mom and I were working in the garden, under the close eye of the "help" mom said this: "SHE'S A DIRTY BITCH". Now I was blown away because my entire life I think I've only heard my mom say this word maybe twice. I asked her why she says that about her care-giver and she says "she just is". Said she goes back and tells sis everything. Well I already knew that. But while we were in the back yard she sat away from us where she could watch what my mother said. So I sat in front of my mom so she couldn't see her lips. Mom said she told her that and the "help" asked her why she said that and mom said this: "you think I don't see what's going on but I do". Hmmmm makes me wonder what's really going on as my mom said she didn't want to go into any detail. I imagine sister has given her a mouthful and my mom has heard them conspiring. Oh well.

Mom says the "help" doesn't like me, well that's because of what sis has said. Means nothing to me though. But mom now goes on saying that she doesn't like her and for me to find somebody else. I'm not doing that though because I'm out of that loop.

I did however take a wonderful pix of her on the reclyner that I can email to the agency owner, there sitting in her favorite spot.

Mom says she eats everything she can get her hands on, (she weighs 300-325 lbs.) and that she is not as nice to her as she was in the beginning. Now I'm figuring it's because I'm not there that much. So I'm going back over there today. Mom and sis also want me to start coming back over once or twice a week, to relieve some of that bill. Not to sure about that though but I have noticed that she is a little forceful with my mom telling her to do things rather than asking her like she use to do. Mom says she asks too many questions. This was the problem with the other one but mom says that I'm the one that picked her! Guess she couldn't wait to blame me for that one.

How do you know what to do? How do you know who you can trust? I couldn't be there 24/7 and it's hard for me to even be there 12 hours, really. Mom is always dolling out orders: rub my neck, rub my hands, put some carmex on my lips, put some vicks sauve under my nose, push me up in the bed.....all day long. I wonder if she even ask the "help" to do that.

Also the "help" goes in the living room to watch her stories instead of staying in my moms room. I do have a problem with that.

This must be similar to Nursing Homes. When the cats away, the mouse will play meaning if no one is there watching, she will do what she wants. She knows what time brother-n-law comes home, and sis so in between that time she does what she wants.

My mom is calling me now to come over and plant some onions, and bell peppers so I got to go.

My my my it just never ends, no matter how you think you've detached yourself, no matter how secure you think you've made things for your parents, it's just seems like there's no end.

tennessee Feb 2010
Out of about a dozen caregivers, One worked out. She was honest,loyal,compassionate,always on time,never took off and really seemed to care.The funny part of it was she was the one we liked the least at first because she talked so-ooo much,but her good far outweighed her bad.We had to hire indiviuals because of being in rural location.

lovingdaughter Feb 2010
Go eith your gut!!!!!!! I did and things are so much better. Keep trying. You don't always get the right person on the first few tries. It took me years to find the gal we have now and she is perfect!!

pamela6148 Feb 2010
Oh by the way, this is not the caregiver that I wanted to get rid of, this is the one I liked, and I thought my mom did too, but now mom complains that she doesn't do anything.

Yesterday when my mom and I came in from the garden, and walked around to the front onto the ramp, when enterring that "help" was again watching that stupid Maury Pouvich show. My mom said "THAT'S GARBAGE" a far cry from the last time I was there and the "help" said she likes the show. I knew all along this isn't anything that my mom normally watches. Taste change but that would be DRASTIC!!!!

pamela6148 Feb 2010
Well now my mom doesn't trust her care-giver, says she's stealing from her.

Mom has been looking for this jogging suit for 5 months. Found the pants, now she can't find the top. She says she believes the "help" stole it, and took it home and soaked in it cold water to stretch it out. Mind you the "help" weighs close to 300-320 lbs. and that would be a whole lot of stretching. This has to be a symptom of Dem/Alz but the next sentence is not.

There's a bruise on my moms arm and she cannot account for how it got there.

But I will find out how that happened. Don't want to blame the wrong person.

janette Feb 2010
Good for you! That is a great example for your family too. Thanks for noticing my good attitude. It's hard at times (sometimes ALL the time) but I work on it all the time.

AlwaysMyDuty Feb 2010
Thanks Pamela. It would be great if there was another addition one day. Fingers are crossed!
Janette, so happy you're a grandma. It's beautiful, isn't it?
I asked Daughter if she was hurt because she loves grandma. Answered "no way", I'm hurt because she can spend on others, do for others, but not for my baby. Said her grandma never was much of a grandmother (she wasn't).
I'm sorry you lost your mom too early. It sounds like you kept a positive attitude about your own kids. Good for you!
I didn't feel Daisy needed to be at the baby's first visit. She had been out and about but think Mom called her when I called to say we'd be over. Just felt like Daisy was overstepping and butting in. Oh well, I'm moving on.

janette Feb 2010
Pamala is correct! The odds of them getting pregnant do go up. I feel for your daughter. But the fact that she is very hurt shows how much love she still has for this woman she has as a grandmother. She didn't choose this woman either.

Doesn't really matter if Daisy is in attendance, would your mom be any nicer if she wasn't? Doesn't sound like she has been in the past. Maybe this situation with Daisy has brought the real truth out in full view. The last straw maybe?

My mom worked a lot as we grew up. Then she passed away when I was 16. This has made me work harder on being there for my kids. We are very close. My first grandchild was born Sept. 28th, 2009. Now I get to be grandma, and in a way my kids get a grandma too. So go have fun! Love life! Congratulations!

pamela6148 Jan 2010
Oh by the way Grandma :) the law of averages says after a couple adopts a child, the mother usually get's pregnant. So you better get ready for another one :)

pamela6148 Jan 2010
Well I didn't know congrads were in order here: Congrads Grandma Alwaysmyduty!!!!

AlwaysMyDuty Jan 2010
Janette, how compassionate you are. Bottom line is Mom's hateful, doesn't much care for me and I need to accept it. Right now she may have Daisy but she isn't seeing her grandkids and great grandkids. She isn't setting a very good example either.
My daughter has been trying to have a baby for 14 yrs. She and husband adopted an infant a few months ago. Mom has seen him once, with Daisy in attendence, watching our every move, which I'm just now remembering. No calls to check on him, ask to see him, no gift. Daughter is very hurt,I'm disgusted.
Mom told my son that once the baby came, I'd spend some of "her" time with baby and she didn't like it. ???
I'm choosing to be me, you're right. My family loves me and that's all I need. Thanks for your prayers :-)

janette Jan 2010
Right now I am in tears for you! Do you have support and the love you need? I pray that you do . You certainly deserve it. You are doing the right thing no matter how hard it is. Who your mother is was not your choice. Who you choose to be is. I am praying for you.

SecretSister Jan 2010
AlwaysMyDuty, I appreciate your insight and attitude. Sad your mom sees things a different way. Hopefully your attorney will help protect you, and the best interests of your mom, as well. Hope your time with the grandkids and yours kids is blessed!

AlwaysMyDuty Jan 2010
I'm contacting a lawyer because Mom/I jointly own her home, have joint cking/svings acct, etc. and Mom refuses to have contact with any of us. If Mom wants Daisy to have anything, let her. None of us want/need anything she owns. If it comes down to it, we'll foot the bill for Mom's needs. Believe this is Mom's power play. She demanded that I take care of her and when she saw she couldn't call ALL the shots, she rebelled. Also is very jealous of my relationship w/my adult kids. They participate fully in the caregiving.I'm fortunate that we are such a good team. However, they're fed up too. When they're alone w/her, she downgrades me,they don't like it.
Some of this my involve my sister (not on speaking terms with) but then again, I'd be surprised she'd put out the effort since she has no spine or interest in anything that isn't "pleasant" to deal with.
I appreciate this forum more than words can say. Thanks to all who comment. I feel so much better today,I'm going to go see my kids/grandkids and enjoy myself! :-)

SecretSister Jan 2010
Reba, ditto. It's hard on those who love and want the best for our mothers. We read about it happening to other people, too. It doesn't always make sense, and often beyond our control.

Reba Jan 2010
What a shame. Never know how people are going to turn out. Who knows she could be getting money from her too. Looks like she has won the mother over and who knows what else. She could get the mother to leave everything to her. That has been done.

arose4yu Jan 2010
is the caregiver doing her job or is the talking distracting her? Maybe you can talk to her personally and tell her there are certain things you expect from her and prying is not one of htem.

It's a tough one because finding the right caregiver that bonds with your parent and does a good job is a difficult one. Sometimes you have to just put up with it if it benefits your mom. But, if she's not doing her job either, then you'll have to get another one and explain to your mom that it wasn't working out--but expect a back lash if you get another one and your mom's not happy with that one.

SecretSister Jan 2010
AlwaysMyDuty, my heart really goes out to you. My mom has also kicked us to the curb and has chosen a new "family" now. That was after a "Distortion Campaign," of not just razors, but lies! Libelous lies in print with her "Christmas" cards! However, any sane mind can read between those lines... It's the insane ones we worry about!

I hired a lawyer, too (and let mom pay for him). Thing is, he was happy to accept her money, but wouldn't send a Cease & Desist, or do much of anything to help or defend me. Next time I'll spare my own cash, if needed, finding a bulldog with big ole honking fangs! I fully expect that things will become much worse, as predicted by her clinical assessment team.

Pamela, I'm sorry for you, too. It's hard to accept when a mom can act like that. At least she's getting some help, and is not being abused. Sounds like the Caregiver has her own issues. Moving in with your mom? How intrusive is that? I understand your reservations. I'd have a hard time with that, too. Why are boundaries always the hardest things to establish and enforce?

Best wishes to all of you!

pamela6148 Jan 2010
No that was an initial thread. I got rid of JAWS a long time ago. I am pretty satisfied with the one we have now. I liked her from the start.

Of course I am a selfish daughter and cringe at the thought of anyone other than me being close to my mom however in this case she is wonderful. She weighs a ton about 350 lbs. but she can lift my mom. I'm OK with her and my mom likes her also.

They should all be watched, and never be made to think they have free rein, that's just how it is but I am kool with this new one. She's been with my mom for almost what about 6 weeks I think.

My mom had one concern which I called the agency about. Since she's so big she is limited in scrubs. She has 2 that are nice and then she wears sweats and a t shirt which aren't so clean. Well soiled somewhat. One pair of sweats had a hole in them. I called the agency and asked them to talk to her about it and they did.

Eddie Jan 2010

If this caregiver is actually performing the duties she was hired for, I don't see any harm in her being your mom's girlfriend. The constant jibber-jabber, believe it or not, is helping your mother heal and keeping her balanced. Boundaries, however, must be respected. And she seems to have a problem with this. I'd pull her to the side discretely, point out all the positive things she's doing for your mom first, and then tell her you're not comfortable with her intrusions. In other words, draw the lines clearly and enforce them consistently. If that doesn't work, talk to your mom and tell her why you think the caregiver isn't working out. ... But at least give the woman a chance.

pamela6148 Jan 2010
AlwaysMyDuty why are you calling a lawyer to protect yourself?

AlwaysMyDuty Jan 2010
Janette and Austin,
Yes I can let go now and the rules of game have changed, not by me but by Mom. Several wks ago, she told me and the kids that she was going to live her own life her own way, on her own and we were to leave her alone.(Obviously, she didn't think we were doing a good job taking care of her.) She won't talk to us, won't see us, won't call us. She is not on her own ( I wouldn't allow that no matter what.) The caregiver I mentioned before, "Daisy", has moved into Mom's home. Daisy is my age so she has now become the new daughter & roomie. I checked references and the agency, all were very good. I don't think Daisy is after Mom's $ (doesn't have much), she told me many times that Mom reminds her of her own mother (died). We feel she really does love Mom. If Mom wants Daisy, I guess we have to go with it. I think Daisy overstepped, knowing Mom had a family who participated. Mom dislikes/resents me,has hinted she'd call authorities if I didn't let her do what she wants. All my life, Mom waits for us to be alone then starts arguments,insults me,etc. I try never to be alone with her except while she sleeps. She may be frail but her tongue is razor sharp.
I always knew Mom was capable of doing something like this. I just didn't think she ever would go this far. I'm calling a lawyer next wk to protect myself.
Do you know how sad it is to read back to myself what I've just written?

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