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PJJackman Asked January 2010

What do I do with the feelings I have regarding my mom? I just don't care anymore.

txmaggie Jan 2010
PJ, you have come to the right place. You are among caregivers who have folks at home, folks in assisted living, folks in nursing homes. The feelings that we all deal with are immense: anger, resentment, guilt, love, frustration, helplessness, isolation, and having any one of these feelings can be so stressful. Add a few together and, you know, you get the picture. There are a couple of threads on this site that might be good to read through, Don't want mom to live with my anymore, and Living with elderly parents do you regret the decision. Type the titles in the search box and they will come up. There are other threads about putting the folks in nursing homes. All are helpful.

Just be assured that all you are feeling is NORMAL. You are a caring person, having taking care of your mom for 8 years speaks enormously for your love for her. Comes a time when it may be the best for both of you to move her. You will know when that time comes. We will be here for you no matter what your decision.


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