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anonymous11306 Asked January 2010

How much are a veteran's nursing home costs compared to regular nursing home costs?

My step-dad is a WWII veteran with a purple heart.

EXPERT Carol Bradley Bursack, CDSGF Jan 2010
Every area is different, as regular nursing homes are regulated by the states. But since your dad is a veteran, by all means check out the nearest veteran's facility and do some comparing.


musiclady1 Jan 2016
can my stepmother, who collects former military spousal retirement benefits, go into a veterans nursing home.... or is she only eligible for a regular nursing home?


musiclady1 Jan 2016
even though I don't live with my father, I come to his home to take care of certain things for him. Are there any tax deductions for me since I travel 1200 miles every two months to make sure things are good for him, and to assist him with attorneys and business items?

pamstegma Jan 2016
musiclady1: VA homes are for veterans only, not for spouses.
Deductions: No. Even a Guardian is compensated only within the court guidelines and specified in the court order.

Guestshopadmin Jan 2016
Pam, in North Dakota, there is one veterans home that is set up for both veterans and their spouses (or surviving spouses). is a link to the Veterans Home in Lisbon.


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