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lisaalexis27 Asked January 2010

Is it wrong to feel guilty and depressed for putting my mother in a Nursing Home, and not wanting to visit her?

My mother has only been in the NH for 2 weeks now...she keeps thinking she's coming home "when the Dr. says so"..but she will not..she needs to stay long-term. I went to see her a few days ago..and she just gets agitated when I am there, blaming me for putting her there, etc..I am off today for the holiday and was planning on going to see her today...but I am dreading it...because it just makes her upset as well as me...and she just gets I wrong for not wanting to go...besides I've been sick with a cold for 10 days now..and I am still not 100% better..I have to go back to work tomorrow..and I think it's better to just take another day of rest...but the guilt that I have for having her unbearable sometimes..

pamela6148 Jan 2010
When was the last time you saw her?

I don't think it would be bad for you to go visit your mom with a cold, but that's me.

You should not feel guilty you did what you thought best, and I'm betting your mom is now getting the best care she deserves or better.

I am curious as to if you ever finished the add on that you started in your home for her. Did you continue with that, or cancel the plans? I saw in August that you'd posted something about an add on.


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