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Judy5ft4 Asked January 2010

Can a person cry without tears?

EXPERT Carol Bradley Bursack, CDSGF Jan 2010
Yes they can. It's still an emotion, even if tears don't come.
It hurts and people can sob, but no tears.


Judy5ft4 Jan 2010
Thank You for responding Carol. I believe I was too direct with my question. Sometimes my husband can be pretty tricky and child like,(slight dementia) to get his way. Which is what is happening at our house. Until now, tears were my only barometer. I am dealing with alot of health problems with my husband. Heart, Diabetes, Emphasema, PTSD from Vietnam, anxiety based blackouts, he has broke both his legs, one at a time, with these black outs. On a day to day basis, we manage though. But I am a wreck when he cries. Would your answer be the same, after knowing this information. Judy



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