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Tucsonlady Asked February 2010

Should mom sell her stocks and pay off her mortgage?

My mother-in-law is 97....and gets these small dividend checks every quarter from 6 different comapnies. The total of these dividends probably adds up to about $2000 a year, if even that. The supposed value of all these shares is roughly $65,000.
Her only other source is SS....$753.00 a month. BUT....her mortgage is $753 a month with roughly $55,000 left on the a stupid 8% interest rate which can't be refinanced by HER because she has no credit and a low income. My husband and I can't assume her mortgage because we have our own refi going on which has been push and pull to get through as it is. Obviously we can't sell the house right now becuase it needs repair and relatives live there....another long, sordid story of people who barely pay utilities and no rent.
I say SELL the stupid stocks...they have not changed value in YEARS...not going to go up or down much so just dump them. My husband is worried about capital gains...HELP!

EXPERT Carol Bradley Bursack, CDSGF Feb 2010
I would see a fiancial adviser about this. It's a pretty complicated situation and you need expert advice.
It should pay you in the end. I think the fiancial experts say to go to a fee only advisor - anyway the idea is to go to someone who won't gain if she sells stocks. You just pay for advice. Know that going in.



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