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umpone Asked March 2010

My father has Alzheimer's and lives alone. He has fallen in his house a few times. Should I be looking for Assisted Living Facilities?

My father is 88 years old and is living alone. Recently diagnosed with alzheimers. Has fallen in the house a few times. Should I be looking for assisted living facilities. He only takes 2 meds and walks almost everyday.

KelleyBean Mar 2010

hard decision, isnt it?
you might want to ask yourself why your father fell. was he going up ladders, etc.. maybe a part time aide might help out with these things that he is having a hard time with..

you might want to contact a local home health agency or your local office of aging, to come in and assess what it is he really needs, if you arent fully sure... no use jumping then gun on anything right?

best of luck!


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