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mimi15236 Asked March 2010

How do I deal with my mother, who just returned home from rehab after suffering from a broken hip?

EXPERT Carol Bradley Bursack, CDSGF Mar 2010
Is she alone or with you? If she is alone, I'd look into many hours of help from an in-agency. If she is with you, you will need some respite, so you still may want to hire some help so you can get out.

Generally, there is some care through Medicare after a patient goes home. You didn't say if she is home straight from the hospital or from intermediate care. Either way, I'd look into getting help into the home. Medicare won't pay for custodial help - just medical. If she is on Medicaid, they may pay for some hours of care.

Veronica91 May 2014
A broken hip is a major assult on the body and specially hard on the elderly. She probably has surgery to either replace the hip joint or just to stabilize the broken bone. The patient is likely to be weak from possibly several weeks in rehab and still suffering from anemia form any blood loss. There may also be some weight loss from not liking institutional food and the side effects of some medications. Before a patient comes home if possible spend some time observing mom's psyical therapy sessions and get some instructions on which exercises should be continued.
Assuming Mom was otherwise relatively healthy mentally and physically she will have few restrictions with the the exception of over flexing the affected leg.
The home should be prepared as for any elderly person. All areas well lit, tripping hazards such as loose rugs removed and sturdy hand rails placed beside baths, toilets and stairs and steps. Mom will likely be using a walker or cane when she comes home and will continue to need this help for some time if not indefinitely because she is unlikey to regain full strength. Have a bed on the ground floor close to a bathroom or provide a bedside comode and privacy screen. A raised toilet seat is recommended but these can be unstable so an over toilet frame that screws to the actual toilet seat is a more secure option. A shower with a seat or a shower chair in the tub are also needed in the early days. A hand held shower is also helpful. many people are most comfortable spending time in a recliner where they can elevate the legs.
Exercising and walking should be encouraged which will aid recovery and prevent blood clots in the legs. If mom complains of pain in her calves or there is redness, swelling or heat the dr should be called or the patient taken to the ER because these are signs of blood clots.
A healthy diet should be encouraged as tolerated with a beverage beside the chair at all times. Attention should be paid to constipation especially while pain meds are in use. Expect to use mild narcotic pain meds for about six weeks total if there is still pain. reduce them as soon as tolerated. It is helpful to give pain med 1/2 hour prior to PT or bathing for the first couple of weeks after surgery and at bedtime. relieving pain rather than giving a sedative is the better option for the elderly.
if the patient is out of earshot at night a baby monitor can be used or even a cell phone if she is capable.
As long as your patient is mentally competent it should be possible to leave them alone for a couple of hours.
Even a normally continent elder may have some problems with urine leakage after major surgery when it takes time to reach the bathroom so offer diapers. the pulluup type are easier to manage.
It does take an extended period to recover but a previously healthy person should be independent within six weeks with maybe some assistance with housework etc and possibly driving. If the illness appears to be continuing beyond this time frame or the patient is particularily demanding it may be necessary to obtain outside help to relieve the primary caregiver. Try to resume a normal schedule of activities as soon as possible and encourage self care if necessary with supervision. many individuals do have an increased risk of death following a fractured hip so longer term care and even hospice may need to be considered if recovery is not sufficient. Many people do go on to live for many years as healthy and productive individuals. Above all do not treat the patient as an invalid having a goal of returning to self sufficiency as soon as possible.


olleycdn Jul 2015
This is how our family did it.
For the first month after returning home, there has to be someone with her 24/7.

She'll need walking aids such a walker and a cane.

Set up a chair in the shower and a hand held shower head.

Install grips inside the shower/bath and near the toilet.

Set up a taller commode as this is absolutely invaluable to the patient getting on and off. To ward

Ward off constipation eating bran in the morning and as a snack during the day or before bed and drink 8 glasses of water every day.

Put a container of water or juice and a fruit snack or crackers on her bedside table. It's nice to have a radio or TV there too.

Elevating the legs under the crook of the knees with a rolled up pillow helps keep the swelling down and offer relief from discomfort albeit unadvised to stay in that position for too lon
Take her to the physio every appointment and make sure she does the exercises recommended every day. You can get service at home from a nurse and a physiotherapist.

There are very often services for seniors from a senior's outreach program and special medical benefits available.

There are pain control meds to take. Be aware some seniors refuse pills but the pain without them is usually enough to convince otherwise. Pain will not subside until about the time the staple stitches are ready to come out and after that over the counter pain relief is normal.

Important to get an armchair where the seat area is higher.No recliners.

If the doctor allows get her up and walking around to avoid stiffness. It also helps healing.

My mother suffered from anemia,confusion, and delusion at in the hospital. She had two pints of blood.

I recommend she take vitamin supplements with iron.

I know I have missed something but for the most part I think I got it nearly all down.

All the best and I wish for your mother a speedy recovery.


vstefans May 2014
Ideally, the REHAB was supposed to teach you how to help mom without doing too much for her that she can do on her own and they were supposed to set up therapy services, make sure you had equipment, etc. They HAD to have given you a meds list and some minimal instructions, plus at least a starter fill of all Rxs. If they failed to do this, call back ther d/c planner or social worker....they SHOULD help you, because no one wants a readmission, those count against them these days. If they will not or do not help, the hospital where she got her hip fracture repaired should.

The other things to do is once the fracture is healed, see that she gets evaluation and treatment for her probable osteoporosis or osteopenia if this happened with relatively minor trauma. This is often inappropriately omitted and is recommended by NOF (National Osteoporosis Foundation) for all adults with fractures.

nancymmoore Jul 2015
You can seek the help of any home care services to take care of your mother. This will help her to get more active even without your presence. I had chosen a nanny with the help of Diamond Personnel, a nanny placement agency in Toronto to look after my mom and she is happy with their service.


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