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blankenshipjennifer Asked March 2010

The woman I care for has stage 6 Alzheimer's and is very violent to me, her husband and son. What will get her to stop?

what can help? I'm caring for two 90-year-old people.

EXPERT Carol Bradley Bursack, CDSGF Mar 2010
There are medications that help many people - at this stage maybe an antianxiety medication could help. But only a doctor can figure this out. You need to get some help for them, and also for yourself. Take care,

LynnPO Mar 2010
You might want to keep a log of the out bursts and what precedes them. Then you can remove those events if possible. My great grand mother was set off by the TV and loud violent noises - car crashes, explosions, screaming kids, cannons at the end of some symphony - anything that startled her. She was okay if there was no one around and the noise occurred - we think she believed someone was trying to startle her on purpose. It took a week of watching her closely to understand what set her off. There was little we could do then (15 years ago) but now there are things to prevent her from finding violent programs and TVs that reduce the volume when commercials come on.



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