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dguiltinan Asked April 2010

My mom is really comfortable in her nursing home right now. What will we do when all her money is gone?

EXPERT Ralph Robbins Apr 2010
Once mom's money is gone either family will pick up the bill or you will have to apply for Medicaid benefits.

However, spending down all of mom's money and then applying for Medicaid is, simply, bad advice.

What most families don't realize is that although Medicaid may save them from financial disaster, it does not pay for everything... particularly when it comes to items for the comfort of the patient/client.

You do not want your mother remaining in a nursing home without funds to augment what Medicaid will provide (what if mom needs glasses, dentures, hearing aides, clothing, special equipment, etc.?).

Moreover she will be permitted only $35 per month for personal expenses such as hair, etc.

I would advise that you do a search for "supplemental needs trusts" and "pooled community trusts" and learn about how this trust will allow:

1. Mom to qualify immediately for Medicaid.
2. Gift her remaining assets without penalty.
3. Preserve her assets for her own health, maintenance, and welfare.
4. Ensure quality of life while on Medicaid

Going to the social worker at the facility once her money is gone is the worst mistake you could possibly make.

gettingthere Apr 2010
My mom has been in a nursing home for - get this - TEN YEARS - !! Medicare and Medicaid pay all - and she has $92 per month left over from Medicare to use for her personal use.


equanimity0606 Apr 2010
When her assets are gone social services will sign her up for medicaid. You might want to talk to the social worker at the facility she is living at. Most of the people who live in nursing homes are on medicaid.

hapfra Apr 2010
Nursing homes can be quite costly---If your Mom is in a 'NOT-FOR-PROFIT' facility, you can ask the social worker how to apply for Medicaid....when she is eligible....if the facility is strictly 'for profit' you will probably have to find a place for Mom that would be best financially, as well as offer good quality of health care. I would start such a search sooner rather than later, by geting her name on a list after touring the facility.. Having been down this road in the past, there are options-so do not panic.

good luck!


195Austin Apr 2010
I found that going to medicare was not good because whoever you talked to gave a different answe and were very convincing they were right and whoever told you something else was wrong if they did not know the nswer they made something up I think you need an elder lawyer who knows the system but mine wanted me to declear bandrupecy even though it would ruin my credit and I decided to pay off my husband debts even thought it will take 5 yrs. whatever advice they give you have to decided what is best for you yourself.

PirateGal Apr 2010
Ralph, how about CONCISE information, not just tidbits of sentences..links, forms, real detail! As you can see I was not that far off about them investigating monies....well if they look 5 years back yeah then your hosed again. Do you not get what I am after information at your fingertips or folks who give real answers. This is all so frustrating for people who get thrown into this and you have to research everything yourself. Amazing simply amazing....!

anonymous101100 Aug 2010
I have to agree pirategirl. Our parent cannot gift without penalty, there is a 5 yr lookback, you're right. Also, spending down is the only way to become eligible for medicaid. I went to a lawyer and was told that is the best thing to do, as long as its spent on her care, which it is, then apply for medicaid. We are using all of my parents money from the sale of their home. IF we kept the house and got medicaid now, they would attach a lean to their home, collecting it in the end. Why not use it for GOOD daycare/homecare, and NOT nursing home care! Our parents don't owe us an inheritence, we owe them the best care available using their money for them FIRST. If there is any left, so be it, if not, apply for medicaid like all the other people who probably hide their money 5 years ahead.

anonymous101100 Aug 2010
Very interesting, thank you for writing. I do have a personal care contract that the laywer and I made up and I signed as the DPOA. My Mom is incompetent. We sold her house and are using the money for her daycare, my caring, and for anything she needs. She got sick before any 5 year look back could have happened, so was this still indeed wrong? I went to 3 lawyers and a medicaid laywer. I live in NH, tell me more?

anonymous101100 Aug 2010
Hello,did this conversation end or can you answer my questions Ralph? I am assuming then, that my 3 laywers are correct and the money I spent was well worth it.

G8trGal Apr 2011
Ralph, thank you for this post! You mentioned a strategy I have in mind and for which I am seeing an elder law attorney next month. Now I feel comfortable the monies I will spend to see her will be a wise investment towards protecting both of my moms. Thank you, again. I feel much relieved!

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