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jennyandwayne Asked April 2010

How long do you have to live if you have stage 4 prostate cancer, that has metastasized to the skeletal bones?

5 chemo tx's good response with a decreasing psa, on chemo break now, but having alot of cognitive and mental changes.

stepro Oct 2011
My husband has been diagnosed with Stage 4 prostate cancer - he ias osseous lesions throughout his entire body - he had his last treatment of chemo last month. He is extremely depressed which is not helping his quality of life - don't really sure what I want to say just need to talk to someone who might be going thru the same thing with a love one....

mhmarfil Apr 2010
hi there. I agree with yearight. Focus on the quality time while you can, it won't be long that your parent will be gone. I know it sounds very shallow but I too try to have this perspective. This site is a good one, it helps bring to focus many issues that we will face coming to terms when a loved one is almost near his/her last few moments on Earth. Take care, you're not alone.


yearight Apr 2010
Dear Jenny&Wayne, it is real hard to guess on the prognosis. There are lots of factors that come into play. As for the chemo, it does a number on cognitive issue's as well as everything else. It's called chemo brain. It is temporary and lasts longer for some than others. I'm glad to hear you are having a good response to it. There are numerous treatment options to help one live with CA these days.
Try not to focus on how long. Just enjoy each day as it come's and let tomorrow worry about itself. But for peace of mind do get your affairs in order. And then concentrate on quality not quantity. God Bless and hang in there.


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