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rassie Asked May 2010

Both of my elderly parents do not have any major health issues. What would be a fair price to pay someone for respite care for three full days?

I have someone who comes in once a week so I can grocery shop and run errands without worrying about my 93 year old father and 89 year old mother. Thank goodness they are mobile still.

Anyway I need a break and want to go away for a few days. To sleep and relax. I want to be fair when paying this person for staying three full days. Hopefully, I will be able to afford this again in the future.

Any helpful suggestions would greatly be appreciated. As long as my parents are mentally capable and fairly mobile I would rather they stay home during my 'retreat'.

Thanks for the guidance!

Ruth1957 Oct 2010
The rate paid to an employee, by the agency for which I work, is $210 for a 24-hour shift. During that time, though, and at that rate, it is "assumed" that the caregiver will receive some down time and not be physically working the entire shift. An 8-hour sleep time is also assumed, and if this does not occur, the caregiver receives extra pay. I do 24-hour care 3 times a week for a 90-year old man and 88-year old woman. This couple requires assistance but are not "sick". I do standby for the wife for toileting, and generally assist in getting everything pulled up and in place! I also bathe (shower) her daily. I assist the husband with showers by standing by for fall prevention, drying off, and helping into clothes. I prepare all meals, and do the housework. They have some amazingly horrible nights, and I am often up for 20 - 25 minutes 4 times a night. This is due to the husband's nighttime habits and rituals. (Rituals like folding of a tissue across his knees, thinking about it, and then blowing his nose carefully... tossing the used tissue on the floor and looking at it, then sweeping it into the middle of the floor with his pillow. That sort of thing. No, isn't annoying at all... ha. )

If it's hourly, the going rate here is about $20 per hour private pay, and between $10 and $16 through an agency.



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