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tashababii26 Asked May 2010

My great grandmother passed away. Now I eat a lot, can't sleep and have scary dreams. What can I do to stop this?

Eddie May 2010

If you described the type of dreams you're having maybe we could help you in some way. I am, however, going to to ahead and take a stab at it.

When we grieve the loss of a loved one, it's not uncommon to medicate ourselves with food and have death dreams which carry at its core our own fear of dying unexpectedly and completely unprepared for it.

There's also the possibility you did something to your GG that you shouldn't have, are feeling guilty, and are also afraid she's going to come back to haunt you until you atone for whatever it is that you did. If this is the case, there aren't many options except: (1) get on your knees and ask the old woman to forgive you and confess to family members what you've done (their punishment -- a good, long tongue lashing for example -- could make you feel as if you have paid your debt; and/or (2) scour the recesses of your mind for crutches that can help you justify your actions, and rehearse them over and over until they become a "truth" that helps you live with your conscience.

In a nutshell, you need spiritual cleansing girl! ... And I don't mean 10 Padre Nuestros and 11 Ave Marias. There's some deep soul searching to be done, and the longer you wait the worse it's going to be. ... It's time to have an honest conversation with the woman in your mirror.

Good luck, and keep us posted.

linda09 May 2010
you need to go see your doctor and ask him what can u do to stop it .
sorry i dont think any of us can help you on that one ,
am sorry for ur loss , i have a feeling she was your love one. again i am sorry . maybe you could find a support group how to deal with it death in family .
wish you the best .



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