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cmpblue Asked June 2010

I should have gotten a Power of Attorney when mom was well enough to sign it. I couldn't face it and now she can't reason. What do I do?

Elizza Jun 2010
I am sorry this is frightening for you. I understand. Does it help to know that you are doing something that will allow you to see that your mother has good care and her property is protected? You are doing a very good thing. It is sad to see our parents get old - there is nothing we can do about that, but we can do our best to see that life is as good as possible. You are being caring!

cmpblue Jun 2010
Thank you very much for your suggestions. I will call the local department of elders tomorrow. If they cannot help me then I will contact an attorney. I don't know why this is so frightening...I think when she was well, she never felt she would need one and I was reluctant to mention it as it would upset her, plus I was hoping it would never come to this I guess. Thank you again.


smdbrown Jun 2010
This is a relatively easy thing to accomplish. If you do not have an attorney then, as Elizza said, call your local department of elders or department on aging and someone there should be able to direct you. If she is in a nursing home you might also talk to the social worker there. Good luck to you.

oliviajr Jun 2010
I agree with beta42 about having to go to court and getting conservatorship over her. Good Luck!

Elizza Jun 2010
The Dept of the Aging in your county may be able to help direct you. They probably do this regularly. Good luck.

beta42 Jun 2010
you will havwe to get conservatorship- through the courts


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