I can't get Meals on Wheels for my mom because I am with her at all time, what other options do I have if I cannot afford to pay for food?
I take care of my mom full time, and I can't work, so I am looking for any financial help we can get. We are definitely low income. I was told I couldn't get meals on wheels for my mom because I am there to cook for her.
Contact your local area agency on aging to see what services and volunteer programs are available in your area. You may also qualify for food stamps, senior meals at churches, the local YWCA/YMCA or salvation army. There are all kinds of threads/questions in the Money and Legal section of this site that might help. Some states also offer a small monthly stipend to family members who stay home to care for disabled parents or spouses - this is rare though. You can find out more from your state department of health and welfare. Good luck to you both.
In most communities Meal on Wheels isn't free. The cost is usually based on a sliding fee scale, which means the higher your income, the more you pay; the lower your income, you pay less. The service is very reasonably priced, because it is a non-profit organization, so be sure to check with your local Meals on Wheels.
There might be some other organizations in your area that provide meal services. Check with the Salvation Army, Girl Scouts or Catholic Charities. Your Area Agency on Aging is another great resource that can point you to elderly programs near you.
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There might be some other organizations in your area that provide meal services. Check with the Salvation Army, Girl Scouts or Catholic Charities. Your Area Agency on Aging is another great resource that can point you to elderly programs near you.