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prettypoison169 Asked June 2010

My mom refuses to get checked by a physician. Can I force her if I have Power of Attorney?

Eddie Jun 2010

If you nag her about it, she won't do it. Use your power of persuasion and tell her it's time for a checkup to make sure everything is in tip-top shape even though she doesn't feel it necessary.

Then again, she might be afraid the doctor will find something wrong.

I was Guardian/Conservator, and had POA over my Dad. I could not force him to go to the doctor, I tried to coax, still he would fight me to the point of hostility. So one day I took him on a drive with me to run errands. Little did he know, I had called the doctors office and spoke with my Physician, and explained the situation, and they were flexible to the fact our appointment may or may not be kept. I told Dad I was just going to run some short errands. I showed up at the doctors office, he had never been to before. He was all the way up to the door, when he realized where we were, (I know, dirty trick right?) then he started to back away, and said oh no, I'm not going in there. I said Dad, with the meds you are on right now, they just want to do a quick check on your blood pressure, it's okay. He was the most behaved ever, and it was pleasant, he liked the nurses. I know this won't work for everyone, but when they have dementia, they are just like children. You can even promise to take them out to b-fast, lunch, dinner, ice cream, or a place they really like to go, right after you run that errand (wink, wink). But on the other hand, I almost had to have my Dad taken by ambulance to the emergency room to be checked, since he was so combative about the doctor incident. Fortunately, I didn't have to do that. That would have been traumatic for him, and myself as well, as they would have had to restrain him. This would only be a very last alternative, and only if they are a danger to themselves, or anyone else. I too had a doctor willing to make a house call to see my Dad. Good luck to you.


ashford10 Jun 2010
Have a Nurse Practioner (female)check her.They have the ability to do same as a doctor and they make house calls. This may alleviate her anxiety caused by the term "Doctor."

toadballet1 Jun 2010
As some one who despises going to the doctor myself, I would really hate to be forced into going. I prefer naturopathy, personally.
Is your Mom of sound mind? Do you fear that she has an immediate medical need? Does she have religious beliefs that would be violated?
One thing that has really helped us is finding a doctor who will do house calls. With Mom's limited mobility, it is a Godsend.
Good luck.

hapfra Jun 2010
Not knowing much about your Mom's medical history--I do not see how she can be forced to see a physician. What form of POS do you have--over her health matters-or legal issues?



Elizza Jun 2010
Is there a specific reason you think she needs to be checked? Perhaps it is not ESSENTIAL right now.

marhaba Jun 2010
Generally no, not by a power of attorney. You need a guardianship.


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