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elizabeths Asked June 2010

My Dad is at risk of falling, what is the best way to care for him?

Dad and I have been living at home together. He's had a head injury and can't walk. If he stands up alone, he'll fall. Tonight I peeked into his room and happened to see him trying to stand up. He told me he was going to go upstairs and get a good book to read. There's no way he can actually do that. Right now I'm spending the night awake on the floor in his bedroom. I can't do this forever. If he's going to keep thinking he can stand, we won't be able to keep living here together. What do I do? Where can he live where he will be safe?

He's been forgetful before, but this is the 1st time he's sounded truly demented. His health is okay otherwise, but he has no balance and can't walk. I'm really scared.

Thank you for your thoughts.

psjohnson Jun 2010
My 87 year old daddy lives with us, has Alz, and forgets he can't walk without assistance. In fact, i get a gait-belt on him before he stands. If you decide for your dad to stay at home with you, either look on the internet or go to a medical supply store and buy a bed and/or chair alarm. I have one on Daddy's's a pad, placed under his sheet under his shoulders/head. This is connected to an alarm with a switch I turn on each night / nap time. When Daddy sits up, the alarm sounds, and I hear it in my room via a "baby monitor". I am able to get to his room prior to his attempts to stand...and fall. I, too, was up all night, and that couldn't last. They have several different types of a pad on the floor which when they step on it, it'll sound the alarm. I, like you, needed to know BEFORE Daddy got out of bed. He would've figured out very quickly to avoid stepping on the pad so as not to make noise! The pad said that its' actual "life" is 6 months, but mine's lasted 1 1/2 years. However, I do have another pad at the ready should this one quit. Otherwise, no sleep for me til a new one arrived. The alarm works on batteries, which is handy for when electricity goes out. Cheaper via internet, but maybe call your medical supply store for more educated information!! I hope this helps. Good luck with your dad.

ajl2001 Jun 2010
Does your Dad use a wheelchair or walker?

How long has he been unable to walk? Did the head injury cause mental loss and physical loss?

If his problem is just balance and not leg injury, I can understand why he would want to try to walk. Can he walk with your help? Does he fall everytime he tries to stand? What kind of physical rehab did he get after his head injury? Can he continue or what is his prognosis for recovery?

Obviously, you can not possibly keep yourself awake all night just to watch him, but I think we need more information as to the extent of his injuries and abilities before we can advise you on this problem. It is best to keep him as mobile as possible without compromising safety.


Eddie Jun 2010

To the left of the screen, there are some links like "Assisted Living Facilities." Pose the same questions you're asking here. I'm sure experts in this kind of things will give you the answers you seek. Good luck.

-- ED


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