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Bree Asked June 2010

How difficult is the paperwork process for moving a parent from one Nursing Home to another?

Has anyone gone through the process of moving a parent from one N.H. to another? How difficult( paperwork wise) is the process?

195Austin Jun 2010
It should just be a matter of paperwork for my husband I had a one page paper on ond side his medical histoty and the other side his meds and let them copy it or give them a copy and also has a copy of ss card and medicare and supp. insurance the nursing home do the paperwork as lonf as a NH accepts the patient it should go smoothly

pamela6148 Jun 2010
Guess I missed you again. Give me an update. Are things not going well at the NH for your mom? I haven't read to many threads lately.


pamela6148 Jun 2010
Bree have I caught you on line????quick give me your email address


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