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eoliver Asked June 2010

My mom has a reverse mortgage that's maxed out for more than her house is worth and has no money. Can I get her on Title 19?

My mom has a reverse mortage that is maxed out for more than her house is worth and has no money.... She also has alzhemers.. I am an only child and the sole care taker at this time... Is there any way i could get her on Title 19 ???

eoliver Jun 2010
Thanks for sharing... I know so much for this reverse mortgage...all your left with is "NOTHING" ..... BUT MORE BILLS TO WORRY ABOUT AND A MOTHER THAT DOESN'T REMEMBER SHE HAS THEM!!!!! I could never retire because i am left with her mess..... Never thought it would be like this ...... Also, my mom was a very bad gambler and i never knew how bad until i took over her finances when she developed alzheimers and know they are all on my shoulders..... No siblings to share the problems..
not really sure where to turn to ????

mhmarfil Jun 2010
Haha I can imagine this. My mom did the same thing. It's only now that I realized that she didn't give me a dream house / inheritance fully paid. All these years it didn't dawned on me that I will continue paying the mortgage! It took a rude awakening for me to realize there was no inheritance gift at all. Now at my age of 39 & my employment contract will end on June 30, 2010, I have a tremendous housing mortgage in my hands & I don't know how I'll pay it off given my very scary & drowning-in-poverty level existence. I share your doubts, worries & fears my friend. You're not alone. I don't mean to cheer u up, i just wanna let u know there are many of us in the same boat.


195Austin Jun 2010
You really need a lawyer ask you office of the ageing if they can advise you- was she aware of the rules of the reverse mortage or was she lulled into it by a dishonest loan officer I would call the bank or whereever she got the reverse mortage from and question what she signed and probably see an elder lawyer about her rights-they make it sound very attractive with an older movie star advertising and the warnings are is small print it is very possible she did not know what she was getting herself into and that is fraud also get in touch with your state DA we have a great one in my state and he brought down a dishonest charity that tried to bully me into contributing and picked on the wrong person to try to con and he turned them in and were shut down soon after I had gotten another call from them. It is terrible how sick minds pry on the elderly. My late MIL was being conned by a company to do her drive and she was going to agree to it because they called her grandma when my husband came along and chased them away and she was talked into long term insurance and paid for years which we did not know about until she was in a nursing home on medicaide.


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