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renordaturner Asked June 2010

My grandmother doesn't qualify for home health care. Can she get other help without being put in a nursing home?

My grandmother had a stroke 13 years ago an her left side was paralyzed, but she started back walking. Years later her health started going down. She had 3 heart operations, and with that she quilified for home health. About a year a so ago she had another stroke and she couldn't use her right side and now she can't walk she can't sit up by her self basicly she can't do nothing for her self. With all of these things wrong she dose not quilify for home health care all she get is a RN to come and heck on her once a week.My mother and i do eveything for her all her there is nothing she can do for her self. Is there any way we can get help for her with out her going to a nursing home.

EXPERT Carol Bradley Bursack, CDSGF Jun 2010
If she is on Medicaid she may get some in-home help.
Please check your state Web site under aging services or something similar. That is the place where you will find federal programs that are administered by states. Each state is different. Also, your state Web site will have some form of the National Family Caregiver Support Program. You will find people there who know the ropes.
It's a shame, however, but many times the only way for elders to get the nursing care they need is to go to a nuring home.

Good luck,

195Austin Jun 2010
Home care is very hard to receice to be any good for the family we were pushed to get medicaide and were promised 8 hrs 5 days a week but I knew better the same agency that provided medicare provided medicaide and where wer they going to get the staff all of a suden I was told so many lies and wrong information while caring for my husband it would be funny if not so serious they thought I just came in on a turnip truck.


b33arbara Jan 2012
She does qualify for a home health aide to assist her with a bath at least 3 times a week;to assist with light housekeeping, preparing a light meal. She also qualify for meals on wheels. The meals on wheels program will deliver lunch Monday thru Friday. This will help the family as well as the patient. There are other programs that maybe able to assist. Be Blessed.


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