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RREULER Asked June 2010

I quit work to take care of my disabled husband who has end stage kidney disease. He needs help 24 hours a day. Can I get help?

LynnPO Jun 2010
Sorry to hear of your husband's diagnosis. There is little help for familial care givers who choose to stay at home to care for a chronically ill spouse. In some states you might receive a monthly stipend if he is declared 100% disabled. Those programs are generally administered by the state dept of health and welfare or a similar state agency. For other ideas, it might be worth your time to read through the Money and Legal section of this site.

Also contact your local area agency on aging to see if they can provide some assistance or introduce you to volunteers that might provide some respite assistance. There are also state programs for low-income families that you might investigate - like food stamps.

I saw your other question about Medicaid paying for assistance so you can return to work. In my experience, they will not pay for his care in the home but you really have to contact your state medicaid program to find out for sure. If he were to move to assisted living or a nursing home, you would be permitted to retain your job and income as well as a home and other assets to keep you from becoming indigent yourself. We can tell you our stories and experiences but you really need to get specific information from your state.

Best of luck to both of you.


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