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Burwell106 Asked July 2010

How do you get paid to care for an elderly loved one?

EXPERT Carol Bradley Bursack, CDSGF Jul 2010
Even federal funding is generally state administered. If you go to your state Web site and look for a heading somewhat like "aging services," you will find contact information and also many tips. If the person is on Medicaid, you may be able to get some funding. Check locally (state and county level) to see what is offered in your area.
Good luck,

Eddie Jul 2010

Step 1 -- Contact Medicaid to determine eligibility. Medicaid is one of the most well-known medical assistance programs. It is a state-funded medical coverage program that typically covers the expense of in-home care and personal care, such as bathing, dressing and meal preparation. To find out how to apply, contact the local office within your state or call:
1-877-267-2323; select option 5 for Medicaid.

Step 2 -- Determine if your state has a Cash & Counseling Program, which some states have adopted to assist those who are eligible to receive Medicaid benefits. It was established by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to allow Medicaid consumers to make their own decisions regarding their care. It enables your parents to direct state funds typically paid to nursing facilities to you, the caregiver(s) of their choice instead. There are currently 15 states involved in the program and it is expanding. To find out more, go to

Step 3 -- Contact the Medicare hot line to see if your parent is eligible for Medicare Part A or B coverage. Medicare is a federally-run medical assistance program for individuals 65 years and older, some disabled individuals under 65 and those with end-stage renal disease. There are two forms of Medicare health insurance. Part A provides no-cost medical insurance while Part B has a monthly cost. Although Part A coverage typically would not include payment for caring for your elderly parent, you may qualify for payment under Part B. Call 1-800-633-4227 or visit

Step 4 -- Call the Administration on Aging to get local resources. The Administration on Aging provides links to resources that may provide financial compensation to you for caring for your elderly parent. Local agencies provide various types of assistance and reimbursement for daily needs such as bathing and cooking, and other needs such as home repair costs, and transportation. To find out more, call 1-800-677-1116 or visit

-- ED


PCVS Jul 2011
I have tried to find avenues that would pay me for caregiving for my mother but apparently non exist in CT. It would be such a help. Instead we have a program called Home Care for Elders that allows me to pay 7% of the cost for her going to an adult day care center twice a week, a homemaker companion for 4 hours once a week and a CNA for personal care once a week (for an hour). I'm not getting paid but at least I'm getting help.

It used to be 6% but the state raised the copay. They are making noises of raising it even more to 15% and then it will be too expensive for us.

PCVS Jul 2011
Sometimes it seems to me our society is saying that if we don' t have a high enough income we should just drop dead. Especially if we happen to be elderly and can't work. Sometimes it seems as if the powers that be are trying to arrange for a class system whereby they get a steady supply of desperate serfs. :/

LynnPO Jul 2010
J -also look at the money and legal section of this web site. This question has been asked over and over in various ways; you'll probably find some good information there. One of the best places to start is with your local Area Agency on Aging - there is usually one office in each county across the US. Look for them in your local phone book.

"Getting paid" to be a caregiver depends on the needs of your elder/loved one/patient and the programs for which they might qualify. There are state programs, the Veterans Administration and long term insurance or disability - any of those MIGHT provide some caregiver funds. As for the VA, I've read about funds for SPOUSES who meet income limits - I believe $500-600 was the max before a spouse could get any help. They DO have a caregiver payment program but there are qualifications you' d have to meet.

I see on your profile that you're caring for a grandma at home due to a broken hip. In my experience - there are no programs to pay for that since it's likely considered recouperation and a temporary arrangement. If you feel grandma should be living with you long term then other programs might kick in to help off set expenses. Keep in mind that, if grandma stays permanently and you provide more than 50% of her financial support then she's considered a dependent and you can claim her on your income taxes. If you add a % of electric, food, water/sewer/garbage then her prescriptions, rent/mortgage, laundry, etc, it adds up fast. I suggest you see the IRS web site or tax prep professional to be sure you and grandma meet all that criteria.
Best of luck

truecolors Apr 2011
moma and i have gone through the process and the long wait for assisstance. i have not worked in aver a year and i have had to move in with moma. the only income is her social secutity and she has been approved for a personal car assistant to come in a releave me for four to six hours a day. sounds good but there are problems, the pca we chose has a court day for basically be at the wrong place at the wrong time. no coviction just a court date and according to the case worker she cannot qulify at this time. sounds like we need to prosue other avenue, not really, we were told when we sign up over a year ago that i could be the one to get paid and when we had the interview with medicade the worker told me i could be the one to get paid and now i read this article and i feel i should be the one getting paid. the case worker says that they cant pay me because i liv in the home. well i moved in to help out moma because there were issues that she needed to have someone here most of the time and with me being here why should i find a way to pay for another place to live when i had to quit working to care for her. also the pca canidate that i was telling you about, we personally know her and she lives very close and we live in a rural area and dont know many people so the case worker said that we could get relative to come well it happen to be my daughter moma's grandaughter and the case of mistake was because she had been helping her sister in law at the in laws home and it was raided and instead of them taking a pregnet person to jail they took my daughter for the intent to sell marajana to which they never found and she knew nothing about. moma and i know this was not my daughters fault. either way what can i do to get the state workers to come to the same agreement of me the person who is here and knows all that is going on to get paid.

Txsoutherngirl Aug 2011
I live in Tx & that would help with the care of my Mother to get atleast a little money to cover expenses for her care. We just brought her home from rehab from a stroke; she went from a totally independent woman of 84 to a generally helpless person. It is sad for all of us. She is becoming more incontinent & just bought a case of briefs. We do have a busy schedule of PT, OT, RN's, & CNa to help me shower her.


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