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suethack Asked July 2010

On occasion my mom asks me where her mom is (who died over 20 years ago). What is the best way to respond?

lach61 Aug 2010
Hi SueThack,

My MIL would ask me where her parents or even her husband was, (even though her father passed away at least 40 yrs. ago, her mother 20+ yrs. ago, and her husband 8 yrs. ago. She came to live with us in Sept. 2008
and had to go into a Nursing Home in late May of this yr. When she would ask me, I would either answer her truthfully or tell her that they were laying down or doing some chore outside the house (depending on her mental stability). The worse her reasoning was, the more I would rely on telling her something other than the truth (because she couldn't handle the truth at times). Hope I helped. Good luck!



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