pooh: for paid caregiving I highly recommend "Visiting Angels." As Ausin mentioned, they send someone out to meet with you and your parent and try to match personalities and needs. We have been very pleased with them. I cannot say the same for one of the "Medicare" companies that sent out a much-too-young and unskilled helper. She wiped down Mom's toilet with a cloth then went on to clean her sink and mirror with it...yuck. She did not know how to do laundry and bristled at everything Mom asked her to do. When I called to let her supervisor know, she said that was the only person she had available and was it "alright" to send her back. Ya' get what you pay for. As far as in-home care is concerned, Medicare offers little (unless there has been a recent hospital stay.) Medicaid offers more, but you need to work on all the paperwork immediately. Most caregivers just learn to piece together care. I wish there was more available out there. I find that whenever I work with government agencies, I have less control over quality and more "red tape" to go through. Good luck to you and your sister-in-law.
First of all she should call social service in that county to see if she can get low cost services it depends on the assests of the person needing help which might be available they will probably have a social worker go into the home to do an assestment. If that is not available there are many agencies out there I would choose one that will talk with her and her Dad to see what is needed if he has funds to pay for such if not you would have to apply for medicaide which may or may not give you enough hours depending where you live and the aides available and if not does not work she may have to look into placement where a social worker at the facility would help with the paperwork of you might need an elder lawyer to assist you. If he is in pretty good shape she may be able to hire teenagers or students to assist it depends on so much.I had some really bad agencies and learned that the good ones are the ones who want to meet with you first and will give you the hours you want so it works best for the person-my husband liked to sleep late so the ones who came at 8 am where not much help-let us know how thihgs go we learn from each-I had to learn from experience and boy did I have experiences from aides who slept to one who brpke everything she touched-it was the school of hard knocks for sure,
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I cannot say the same for one of the "Medicare" companies that sent out a much-too-young and unskilled helper. She wiped down Mom's toilet with a cloth then went on to clean her sink and mirror with it...yuck. She did not know how to do laundry and bristled at everything Mom asked her to do. When I called to let her supervisor know, she said that was the only person she had available and was it "alright" to send her back. Ya' get what you pay for.
As far as in-home care is concerned, Medicare offers little (unless there has been a recent hospital stay.) Medicaid offers more, but you need to work on all the paperwork immediately.
Most caregivers just learn to piece together care. I wish there was more available out there. I find that whenever I work with government agencies, I have less control over quality and more "red tape" to go through.
Good luck to you and your sister-in-law.