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glo Asked September 2010

Can my siblings who have Power of Attorney for my parents, tell the lawyers not to give me information concerning my parent's wills?

EXPERT Ralph Robbins Sep 2010
Yes they can.

febo730 Jan 2012
My brother talked my elderly mother into making him POA right after my father died. He was never involved in their lives until two days before my father died. I have lived my whole adult life 10 minutes from my parents house. When my father died he took such advantage of my mother and her mental state. Needless to say, he had her changed the will where everything goes to him.He sold her house and had her moved from NJ to a very rural place in Kentucky. Unfortunately my mother had a stroke this pass Sept. She is now in a nursing home and he is now spending my mothers money as fast as he can. If I ask him, does he have to show me what he is doing with her money?


DianaS Sep 2010
I have power of attorney for my dad, 94. Although he lives alone, I am his caregiver, and he has left a lot of his assets to me (only). My brother has seen him about 3 times in the past five years. They never got along. However, lately my brother has shown an "interest" in the will. My attorney told me that I do not have to disclose any details at all. There are always battles when money is involved. I guess it depends how well you get along with your siblings. You can probably hire your own attorney and hold things up for years. That way, nobody will benefit except the attorneys.

DianaS Sep 2010
Oh, Glo. I guess I was thinking more about splitting assets. I'm certainly not in a position to offer legal advice. But, I'm sure there is a way to subpoena payment records and if they misappropriated the money, you could probably make sure they are accountable. We recently had a case in our town where a professional caretaker was abusing P.O.A and using money for her own needs. They did catch her and she had to pay it all back into the estate. I guess it still involves a Lawyer=$$$$ Good luck. I hope things work out for you.

toadballet1 Sep 2010
Usually wills and other finances are private matters and information is disclosed as the parents see fit. If your parents have instructed your sibs to keep their affairs private, there is not much you can do. Why do you need this information now?

Countrymouse Aug 2015
Believer, you'd do better to ask your own question - if you look to the right hand margin, you'll see the heading "Get Answers" and you can type your question into the box below it, then click on "Ask" and it will start a new thread. You'll also be able to add more details about your sister's circumstances.

Countrymouse Dec 2015
Not unless you have an incredibly good reason which, note, is related solely to your mother's best interests and nothing else you can't, no. What's the story? You might want to start a new topic - follow the instructions on the right under "Get Answers."

valencom Sep 2010
Yes, your siblings can instruct the lawyers not to share your parents' will with you .... but, if your siblings are on the up-and-up, and they rightfully have Power of Attorney (as they say they do), they should be willing to prove that to you, by showing you the documentation. I have Power of Attorney for my elderly dad, and when the time comes to "show" that to my brother, I will do so.

grannymay Apr 2016
My sister, primary caregiver, read martyr, of my father, who has spent the last 4 years in a nursing home, did not let me know when he died or whenhis funeral was to take place. I believe I am co-executor with her of my fathers will, this, however could have changed in the past 18 month as we had a falling out. Do I have any redress in this matter, also how can I find out if I am still an executor?

Countrymouse Apr 2016
The nursing home can give you the precise date of your father's death, for which I offer my condolences. Armed with that information, you can then approach whichever authority deals with probate in your area and make enquiries. Following a death, a person's will becomes a public document which cannot be kept secret from anyone - and especially not an executor. It shouldn't be too difficult to make progress with this. I'd get busy on line if I were you. I'm sorry for your difficulties with your sister, too. Very stressful for all concerned.

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