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legarner Asked September 2010

How can I get my elder mother to eat something other than sweets?

BGB Sep 2010
My grandma is doing the same thing, so i stop leaving it so she can get it, i have a frig, out side, i dont know if the ensure is a good thing either it's full of sugar and she likes that's she won't eat any veggies or meat. just grits and eggs, ice cream, cake and cookies she'll eat that for every meal. she use to like a slice of bacon. when i told her doctor he told me to give her what she'll eat. the other thing she likes is coffee full of sugar.

BonnieO Sep 2010
I have the same issue with my Mom. Mom will eat a small amount of "real" food each day, but her biggest intake is Famous Amos Cookies. I spoke to her doctor about this and he suggested giving her 2 to 3 Ensure or something similiar each day. The Ensure are a bit pricey, but they are basically a meal in a bottle and Mom enjoys them, because they come in chocolate which is one of her favorites. You may want to speak to your Mom's doctor about this since everyone has different health issues. My father lives with me and does not have much of an appetite either, so I give them to him as well. He enjoys the Strawberry.



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