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stablehelp Asked September 2010

Mom's hearing is pretty much gone, but she won't wear her hearing aids. How can I convince her?

EXPERT Carol Bradley Bursack, CDSGF Sep 2010
Unfortunately, this is not uncommon. She could find the hearing aids physically uncomfortable.

However, she could find the sounds she hears confusing and therefore they make her anxious. She needs to have her hearing person make any adjustments he or she can, and likely she should see her doctor. Dementia and/or confusion of some type may be affecting her.

kkinsel Sep 2010
Its too bad she wont wear hearing aides because the new digital aides are awesome. My dad has meniers disease and lost most of his hearing and they have helped him tramendously. Try to get her to a hearing specialist.


TheFixer Sep 2010
My mother is the same way about her hearing aids, she's very vain about her looks even though her aids go behind her ear and are not noticeable. She doesn't wear them during the day, but puts them in as soon as I get home from work. I pretty much insist on this as the tv is so loud it upsets my household and makes my ears hurt. If I notice the tv is still loud I check the batteries in her hearing aids, usually one of them is bad, since she has also gone to wearing one hearing aid (not sure why). My siblings tease each other now when we mishear something that mom has a hearing aid she's not using. I know she is unable to hear most of the conversation around her and none of us understand why she won't wear them so she could be more a part of our conversations. (maybe after raising seven kids, she's use to tuning us out. LOL) I know how frustrating it is, try to set boundaries for your own sanity. Good Luck!

Elizza Sep 2010
Hearing aids are difficult to get used to and a good visit with an audiologist would go a long way. They are uncomfortable,, at first, hearing is amplified and so are all the other sounds that we automatically tune out, --- there really are not many convincing arguments -- UNTIL you get past the beginning stages! My experience with audiologists has been very good - they understand, they can answer questions, they can help you both get started!


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